How to Check Plastering Work Quality | The Construction Feeds Tutorial

12mm Plaster Work Checklist & Spreadsheet

Plastering is done on the walls to eliminate surface blemishes, keep up line level and arrangement. Notwithstanding that it additionally goes about as a defensive surface for outside walls. Cement plaster, Gypsum plaster and Lime plaster are the ordinarily utilized plastering materials for house developments.

Cement plaster is made by mixing cement and sand in the extents required. Cement plaster is applied to both inside and outside walls to give them a smooth surface. To show up at the amounts of Cement, Sand and Water required for plastering work, we have to comprehend on what boundaries these amounts depend.

  • Volume of Plaster required: Volume of Plaster can be dictated by duplicating the zone of plastering to be done and thickness of plaster (12 mm for this situation)
  • Mix Ratio of Plaster: Mix ratio mean the ratio of Volume of Cement to the Sand utilized in the mixture. Plaster of mix ratio 1:4 implies that it contains one piece of cement and 4 pieces of sand by volume. Since the measure of cement and sand changes with the adjustment in the mix ratio, it is one of the most significant factors in deciding the amounts.

Pre-plaster works checklist:

  1. Make sure all the checks are there (Brickwork etc. when brickwork is done.
  2. The aluminum layout for openings (frequently sand is applied to cover the electric gaps) ought to be reachable at the site.
  3. The blockwork ought to be restored for 7 days just as dry preceding commencement of plastering.
  4. Set catch blemish on the surface that ought to be plastered with least thickness of 12mm. The dividing of catch imprints ought to stay inside an aluminum straight edge length.
  5. The width of plastering cross section ought to be 8? What’s more, it ought to be made sure about firmly before begin plastering on the intersection (among cement and brick work surface) with steel nails/wooden fitting and nails. This strip ought to be plastered and relieved for at least 3 days preceding beginning plastering for the whole wall.
  6. Acquire the plastering determinations like lime finish, trowel finish, wipe finish, unpleasant plaster and zone of use expressed by the draftsmen.
  7. Plastering ought to not be accomplished for a thickness of over 15mm. Yet, on the off chance that it is fundamental, the plastering ought to be performed with 2 coats. The principal layer utilized ought to be restored for a day before give the consecutive covers.
  8. The cement inside 90 days old (Reasonably), Sand, fine residue content low (<6‰) and consumable water ought to be ideal for mixing mortar.
  9. All surfaces in cement ought to be hacked (80 hacks for every SQ. ft) before plastering.

Plastering Spreadsheet

The accompanying video below shows how to utilize the spreadsheet for 12mm plastering.

To get more details, go through the following video tutorial.

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12mm Plaster Work Checklist & Spreadsheet

12mm Plaster Work Checklist & Spreadsheet