How to Increase Image Resolution in Photoshop and Its Best Alternative

Photoshop is the all-in-one solution to enhance photos, including increasing the resolution of the image. How to make an image high-resolution in Photoshop? When you need to check the details of an image, such as the price, state the type of service you provide, or show product details, you should enlarge the photos with details, or increase the resolution of the photo in Photoshop. If you are a new hand in this field, just follow the article to learn about the process.

Part 1: How to Increase Resolution of Image in Photoshop

Photoshop provides multiple tools to increase the resolution of images, such as Sharpen, Preserve Details, Bicubic Smoother, and more others. You should know the details about the tools before making an image high-resolution in Photoshop. If you are not familiar with the tools, here is a simple guide about enhancing the quality of an image with Photoshop.

Step 1:

Once you have imported the desired image you want to enhance in Photoshop, you can click the


menu and choose the

Image Size

option at the top of the page. Here you can check and adjust the size of the image. You can also check the resolution of the printed image.
Add Image

Step 2:

Head to the


field and check the current resolution of your photo. If you want to increase the resolution of an image in Photoshop without extra process, you can simply input the new data in the


field and preview the photos.

Step 3:

You should adjust the

Resample Image

option that is the most important on the

Image Size

dialogue box. It can change the number of pixels to make an image high resolution in Photoshop with an up sample. Just uncheck the

Resample Image

option, if you don’t need to change the pixel dimensions.
Resample Image

Step 4:

Once you have entered the desired value, you should make sure to check the

Bicubic Smoother

option from the

Resample Image

box. If you have unchecked the

Resample Image

option in advance you will find the number of pixels is still the same.
Bicubic Smoother

Step 5:

If you want to have industry-standard images, you can also increase them to 300 pixels per inch. Then you should preview the output photo before you click the


button to increase the resolution of the image in Photoshop and save it to your computer.