Improving quality of human life | Global Strategies & Solutions | The Encyclopedia of World Problems


Since modern development and life quality are strongly linked, modern developmental indicators such as life expectancy and literacy may be used to convey the quality of human life. Most lower-income countries have achieved improvements in some indicators over the past decades. Life expectancy has risen from 46 to 62 years. Adult literacy rate rose from 43% in 1970 to 60% in 1985. Food production per head has kept pace with or outstripped population growth in all continents except Africa.

Economic realities of world development also weigh most heavily on the poor countries, which borrow money in order to advance or sustain their level of development and quality of life. There is agreement from many parties that debt repayments should be scaled down or scraped, trade conditions improved, and international financial assistance increased in order to facilitate an improvement in the quality of life for most people.