Instagram Story Size | 2023 Ultimate Guide

Everyone has a story to tell. In this hyper-digital age, how you tell your tale makes all the difference. A perfect Instagram story size adds colors to your life’s moments while upping your social media game.

Renowned author Maya Angelou said, “There’s no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Instagram Stories helps you share moments and experiences while keeping your followers updated on your current activities. You can share vertical photos or short videos, which disappear after 24 hours.

Instagram Story Size

As more and more people use Stories to drive engagement levels or promote their brands, we will talk about optimal dimensions and valuable hacks for you to ace the process.

In this article, we discuss:

What Are Instagram Stories?

Instagram Stories or IG Stories helps users post vertical images and videos that disappear after 24 hours. Your profile gets a colorful ring when you post a new story to notify your followers.

New Instagram Story Posts

Tap on people’s profile photos to discover their stories. This action will also show you all content that they recently shared in the full-screen mode. To rewind or forward stories, you can tap left or right on your screen.

You can track who views your story while adding it to your profile as story highlights. According to Instagram, the photos and videos you share through Stories “disappear from your profile, feed and messages after 24 hours unless you add them to your profile as story highlights.”

Unlike other social media posts like Facebook Live, Stories doesn’t allow public comments, but you can send comments and likes to the author directly.