Interactive Game of Thrones Map with Spoilers Control


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Interactive Game of Thrones Map

with Spoiler Control

This is a map of the world depicted in the novel series
A Song of Ice & Fire
and the TV adaptation,
A Game of Thrones. The website is designed to display useful information on top of
the map layer and link to additional details on the wiki site.

If you haven’t finished reading the novels or watching the shows,
you can hide any details that might spoil the plot. Simply drag the
slider in the top-right corner to the last chapter or episode that
you’ve completed. You can move the slider with arrow buttons in
order to animate the characters’ paths. Keep in mind that the slider
only controls this map; any page you may open on
the wiki site may contain spoilers.

If you’d like to share this map with others and point them to a
specific location, hold down the Ctrl button while you click on the
map. You will be given a URL that will automatically center the map
on that point. (e.g.

The map layer used in this website was drawn by
based on previous work by
Tear of the Cartographer’s Guild. The map interface is based on the
Google Maps API, with custom tiles generated by
GMap Image Cutter Version 1.42
and arrows using code from
Bill Chadwick. Intellectual property of
A Song of Ice and Fire,
this map and all locations belong to
George R.R. Martin. If you find any errors in the map data, please
alert me on the message board.

You may notice that this map is contradicted, in places, by the maps
shown in
The Lands of Ice and Fire. Since the maps in that collection are clearly copyrighted
material, I have no intention of copying them directly and I’m going
to remain cautious in pulling details from them to correct this
website. You can find low-resolution versions of the official maps
the artist’s website
or in Random House’s
apps. It’s also important to note that the person who added the
interactive functions to this map is different from the person who
originally drew it– I can’t update the drawing myself. If you’d
prefer to use a similar map that does follow the official book,
please check out