







  •  SPEAR
  •  BOW


  • FIRE




  • Unlocked in EP07



Show/Hide Katana Sword Skills





 Single Strike attack. An upwards strike from the hip.




 Combo attack. Steps forward and delivers 3 swift consecutive slashes.




 Charging attack. Leaps forward and attacks with a rising slash. Looks like a reverse Tsujikaze. Covers a lot of distance.



Misogi Tsubaki

 Power attack. Gathers strength into a single slash that generates a small shockwave damaging enemies. Long startup. Has super armor.

  • COOLDOWN: 10



Combo attack. 6 Swift spinning vertical slashes followed by a finishing rising slash.

  • COOLDOWN: 10



Projectile attack. Slashes the air to propel a crescent shaped horizontal shockwave that damages all caught in its path.

  • COOLDOWN: 10



Combo attack. Charges in to perform 4 heavy slashes that damage an area.

  • COOLDOWN: 15



 Combo attack. Steps in to do a 14 hit combo. Takes really long @_@

  • COOLDOWN: 30




Show/Hide Spear Sword Skills



Triple Thrust
Combo attack. Steps in and performs 3 consecutive pokes.


Spin Slash
Area of Effect attack. Spins the spear overhead once and follows up with a finishing slash.


Digger Glint
Power attack. Thrusts the spear at point creating a mini beam of light. Has shorter range than you would expect.


Forward Spiral
Charging attack. Steps in and spins the spear with one hand. The spinning motion has some Guard Point.

  • COOLDOWN: 10

Blast Spear
Projectile attack. Throws the spear at the target. Range is deceptively short.

  • COOLDOWN: 10

Spiral Gate
Counter attack. Drops into a defensive stance and counters incoming attacks with a spinning thrust.

*Only activates upon receiving damage during start-up of attack (Projectiles & magic do not count).

  • COOLDOWN: 10

 Vulture Stinger
 Power attack. Vaults in and stabs the ground with the spear generating an upward torrent that damages enemies.

  • COOLDOWN: 10

 Wild Twister
 Combo attack. First does a pretty butch pose. Then proceeds to spins the crap out of that spear finishing with a diagonal slash. (w)

  • COOLDOWN: 15

 Fatal Thrust
 Charging attack. Launches yourself at the target with the spearhead piercing through just about anything. Covers a ton of distance.

  • COOLDOWN: 30




Show/Hide Bow Sword Skills



Wide Shot
Area of Effect attack. Simultaneously shoots 5 arrows in horizontal array.


Hail Bullet
Multi-projectile attack. Fires 3 homing arrows that track a target.


Retrieve Arrow
Projectile attack. Shoots a very long range arrow.  Low chance Bind.

  • COOLDOWN: 10

Vault Shot
Dodging attack. Performs a side-flip and fires 3 arrows while upside down.

  • COOLDOWN: 10

Stardust Exa
Area of Effect attack. Steps back and fires a rain of arrows above a target.

  • COOLDOWN: 10

 Sparkle Shot
 Targeting attack. Holding down the button lets you multi-lock targets. Release to fire arrows at all locked on targets in quick succession.

  • COOLDOWN: 10

 Multiple Chaser
Multi-projectile attack. Fires a barrage of homing arrows at a target.

  • COOLDOWN: 15

 Strike Nova
 Projectile attack. Shoots a powerful beam of light at the target.

  • COOLDOWN: 30




Show/Hide Offensive Magic Skills



 Fires a small fireball at an enemy. Power & number of consecutive shots increases with skill level.

  Flame Blast
 Drops a large fireball upon an enemy. Power & number of consecutive shots increases with skill level.

 Meteor Explosion
 Summon a meteor from the sky to drop on an area surrounding target. Power increases with skill level.

 Wind Cutter
 Fires a small gust of wind at an enemy. Power & number of consecutive shots increases with skill level.

  Tornado Cannon
 Summons multiple whirlwinds upon an enemy. Power & number of consecutive shots increases with skill level.

   Sling Stone
 Fires small rocks at an enemy. Power & number of consecutive shots increases with skill level.

 Rock Blast
 Drops boulders upon an enemy. Power & number of consecutive shots increases with skill level.

 Dark Sphere
 Fires a small ball of darkness at an enemy. Power & number of consecutive shots increases with skill level.

Void Distortion
Drops large dark clusters upon an enemy. Power & number of consecutive shots increases with skill level.

 Lightning Arrow
 Fires multiple spears of light at an enemy. Power & number of consecutive shots increases with skill level.

   Holy Lance
  Fires a beam of light to pierce an enemy. Power increases with skill level.

  Divine Ray
 Calls down a ray of light from the heavens to damage an area surrounding a target. Power increases with skill level.




Show/Hide Healing & Buffs



  First Aid
 Recover own HP. Amount recovered is increased with skill level.

  Stamina Boost
 Decreases amount of Stamina used. Amount recovered is increased with skill level

 Increases Party Attack by 20%. Duration is increased with skill level.

 Increases Party Defense by 17%. Duration is increased with skill level.

 Increases Party Movement Speed by 50%. Duration is increased with skill level.

 Resist Fire
 Increases Party Fire Resistance by 33%. Duration increases with skill level.

 Enhance Fire
 Increases Party Fire Based Damage by 30%. Duration increases with skill level.

 Decreases Enemy Defense by 25%. Duration is increased with skill level.

  Battle Shout
Draw aggro from enemies within range. Effect & range increases with skill level.

*Has no effect in online play.




Show/Hide Passive Skills



  The Art of Katana
 Allows the user to equip Katana and use its respective Sword Skills.

  The Art of Spear
 Allows the user to equip Spears and use its respective Sword Skills.

  The Art of Bow
 Allows the user to equip Bow and use its respective Sword Skills.

 Increase Fire Attack
 Increases damage of Fire based attacks by 10%.

  Increase Fire Resistance
 Reduces damage received from Fire based attacks by 20%.

 Increase Attack
 Increases physical damage dealt by weapons by 10%.

  Increase HP
 Increases Max HP by 10%.

 Increase Physical Defense
 Decrease amount of damage received by physical attacks by 10%.

 Increase Critical Rate
 Increases the probability of landing a critical strike by 20%.

 Cooldown Time Decrease
 Decreases the cooldown time of Sword Skills & Special Moves by 10%.

  Stamina Saver
 Reduces the cost of stamina based actions by 20%.

 Increase Magical Defense
 Decrease amount of damage received by magical attacks by 10%.

 Switch Boost
 Increases the power of Switch by 10%.

 Skill Connect Boost
  Increases power of Skill Connect by 10%.

 Increase Fire Attack+
 Increases damage of Fire based attacks by 20%.

 Increase Attack+
 Increases physical damage dealt by weapons by 20%.

 Cooldown Time Decrease+
 Decreases the cooldown time of Sword Skills & Special Moves by 20%.

 Skill Connect Boost+
  Increases power of Skill Connect by 20%.

 Switch Boost+
 Increases the power of Switch by 20%.

[Lv1000]  Increase HP+
 Increases Max HP by 30%.

[Lv1050] Increase Critical Rate+
 Further increases the probability of landing a critical strike. (Should be 30%. Could be 40%)

[Lv1100] Increase Down Resistance
 Increases resistance to DOWN and Stagger status ailments.

[Lv1200] Increase Status Ailment Recovery
 Increases the rate of recovery from bad statuses by 20%.

 Increase Katana Damage
 Increases damage of Katana by 10%.

Increase Spear Damage
 Increases damage of Spear by 10%.

Increase Bow Damage
 Increases damage of Bow by 10%.

Katana Master
 A title given to those who have mastered the art of Katana. Increases damage of Katana by 50%.

Spear Master
 A title given to those who have mastered the art of Spear. Increases damage of Spear by 50%.

Bow Master
 A title given to those who have mastered the art of Bow. Increases damage of Bow by 50%.



This section is written as an more in-depth extension to the AW & SAO Character Overview post and is meant to be used hand in hand with the General Leveling Guide. The purpose of this How-To-Play is to offer players of all levels a skeleton plan which enables them to build their characters up to their full potential. With that being said, it is indeed recommended that you do follow the steps described here.

-Important Skills-
  • Sharpness
  • Protection
  • Quick
  • Weakness
  • Enhance Fire
  • First Aid
  • Resist Fire
-Weapon Selection-

Klein has 3 solid weapons to choose from. If you want to make him as strong as possible, Spear is his strongest pick.

Klein’s element is Fire, so if you are able to give him a Max Attack; Half Element Weapon with ~10% Fire or a Half Attack; Max Element Weapon with ~20% Fire, he will become very strong. In most cases, higher base attack is better than elemental attack unless you are willing to switch weapons for each boss weakness.

**For more information on the overall Weapon Building process, consult the Weapon Building Guide.

**For some tips on how to select the appropriate Accessories for your character, consult the Selecting Equipment guide.

-Element Etiquette-

Klein gets Enhance Fire. Fire is an OK element as some bosses like Skoell & Rashiel are weak to it. Keep in mind that only one Element can be active at a time and buffing Fire will in fact overwrite whatever element is currently active.

Elemental Buffs are important because they increase damage by +30%. If a monster is weak to the element, this damage gets multiplied by 2 making you do +60% damage if you use the correct Element.

On the other hand, if a monster resists an element, the bonus damage can drop to +3%. This is indeed better than nothing but this fact means that buffing the Elemental Weakness of the boss is the most important – even more important than buffing the elemental strengths of the party members.

When to use Enhance Fire:

  1. When the Boss is weak to Fire
  2. When no other Element is active and the team isn’t able to buff any other Element.

If someone has used an element that is not Fire, but the boss is weak to it, Do not, by any means buff over it with Fire. Your character will do more damage with a foreign element as opposed to an Element that the boss resists.

If you do not know which bosses are weak to what elements, you can have a look at the Elemental Weakness Spreadsheets I have made on the Boss Guides page.

-Using Klein-

Klein is a hybrid between a Buffer and a debuffer. He has Sharpness, Protection, Quick & Enhance Fire as well as Weakness which make him a really good character.

When a quest or boss fight starts:

  1. Cast Sharpness, Protection & Quick.
    • If monster is weak to Fire, cast Enhance Fire. (Refer to Elemental Etiquette section)
    • If monster’s strength is Fire, case Resist Fire.
  2. Cast Weakness on the enemies.
  3. Move in for Combat.

On the SAO Sword Skills & Weapon Breakdowns page I have written some basic combat guidelines for all the respective weapons in the game. If you feel like you are using a weapon incorrectly or just want some pointers, I would advise you to have a look at that page.

It would be good practice to make sure that all of the enemies have been debuffed with Weakness. Therefore simply casting it every time a new boss appears before going into combat is a good look.

Remember that when players die in battle, they are revived without any buffs. Recasting buffs when teammates die is a good idea and makes you a wonderful teammate. Of course, in some cases when a player dies non-stop its a waste of time to recast buffs (>.<)


If you take damage with Klein, use First Aid. If you have taken a considerable amount of damage, First Aid might not be good enough. In this case consider using a Healing Item or wait for a competent Healer to heal you. Do not keep fighting if you are low on health because that will definitely result in you dying.

 -BK’s Opinion on Klein-

I hate Klein. So I was naturally really shocked to see how good Salamanders have become. They have always been a really strong race but damn man. I want a Custom Salamander. Or Eugene with a sick 2Hand Sword OSS.

Not Klein. Klein is annoying (T_T)



For more information on skills, you can visit the respective SAO SWORD SKILLS & SAO MAGIC/BUFF SKILLS pages.

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