LANY Frontman Paul Klein’s first song about Dua Lipa

she’s got a type because I can’t tell the difference between her ex and her current bf

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yeah. or maybe she just chose paul cos he reminded her of isaac…

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I’ve done that lmao, it’s really sad

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yeah, that sounds about right

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Slay op

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You can’t be that in love after 5 months

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you can, at least the infatuated/psychosis form of love take place within the first few months

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You can be infatuated which you foolishly mistake for love :/

Of course then you look back and can’t believe you were so stupid

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LMAO i’ve fucking been there

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lmao. honestly i don’t know why i went with that tone. i actually feel for him!

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This is one of their better songs in a while

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I always feel like the banjie/baddie aesthetic doesn’t really seem authentic with Dua, but go off I guess. Her boyfriend is cute and she always looks like she’s having fun on her IG story. She seems fun to be around.

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her bf’s cute but i think he’s gonna age poorly and since he’s older he better keep up with her blossoming youth and rising star

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That is a lot of emotion for 5 months of dating. Like yes, you can fall in lust at first sight but come the fuck on dude.

I miss the days when songs about breakups were coy enough to leave you guessing.

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i get it, if she was his first love, and then to find out he was basically a stand in for her ex

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She should date someone closer to her own age, these 30+ year olds aren’t it.

Edited at

2018-08-07 10:00 pm (UTC)

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most 23 year old men still have a lot of growing up to do though

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She’s 22 so they can grow up and mature together. Also you say that as if these 30+ clearly don’t have some growing up to do themselves, at least the 23 year olds have an excuse.

Edited at

2018-08-07 10:04 pm (UTC)

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Men who are that intense that quickly are just gross, especially if you see the other person wants to take it slow.

I’m currently dating a guy that told me he loved me after 5 days and acts just as obnoxious as this dude. I want to dump him but I’m legit afraid of the drama. The constant I love yous make me vomit. I’m at the point of loathing him.

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i don’t get what he loves about you to be honest…

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lmaoooo drag me a bit

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oof lol

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lol jfc

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but is the diq good otherwise you are wasting your time

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if you don’t tell him to tone it down a bit it might end in tears anyway

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i thought dua was in a super long time relationship, lol was that with the ex then ?

idk if i would release a song that tried to be deep that was obv about an ex of such a short time unless it was an arranged thing lol

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yeah, that’s the ex

idk if i would release a song that tried to be deep that was obv about an ex of such a short time

taylor swift has made a career of this though

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lol and i’ve cringed every step of the way 😬

*also u left out the “unless it was an arranged thing” which in taylor’s case, I’ve always thought a lot of them were.

Edited at

2018-08-07 10:11 pm (UTC)

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Songwriters take little truths and stretch them out, doesn’t mean they mean every single word, but ppl that listen to their music might connect to the sentiment

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maybe one kiss really is all it takes…

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lmao. you’ve cracked it!

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fucking hate that obnoxious song omfg

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lol you win

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I like the song but all of their songs legit sound exactly the same lol

I read somewhere he wrote this song a few days after she dumped him and the whole album was written within a few weeks after that so I don’t think it’s weird that he made it seem so deep when they were together 5 months, he’s probably over it by now and realizes it’s different looking back but it was that deep for him in the moment

also had NO idea he is 30 I thought he was like 23

Edited at

2018-08-07 10:31 pm (UTC)

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had no idea they were even together. he needs to grow his hair back out. he really looks like chris klemens with the shaved head. no shade to chris. but i liked the greasy ex-model aesthetic he used to have. their music is dope though. ilysb is one of my favorite songs ever so i’m psyched for the new shit.

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I think if someone did that to me, I would never give them the satisfaction of knowing much they affected me.

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mb i don’t ~get~ their music but this song is awful lol

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