Link to NQS This link to NQS Quality Area 1 Educational Program and Practice | Course Hero

Aisha is able to use the

creative arts such as sands

and flower petals to express

ideas and make meaning

Aisha use symbols in play to

represent and make meaning

This linked to EYLF Outcome 5:

Children are effective communicators


Children interact verbally and

non-verbally with others for a

range of purposes.


Children express ideas and

make meaning using a range

of media.


Children begin to understand

how symbols and patterns

system work.

Follow ups/Implications

Aisha have developed her social skills and it’s shown with her interaction with Lauren and Sally. She also shows

that she have a particular friend she is close with. For the follow up, I was planning an activity combine with art. I

was thinking to let them do friendship painting, I will give them a A3 paper and allow them to paint together with

their peers. I will ask them to paint the paper using their fingers/handprint. This activity I planned because I see