Melanie Klein – Personality Pedagogy

Melanie Klein (1952). Melanie Klein 1952 by Douglas Glass – Licensed under CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Annotated Links

Book Review of Melanie Klein: Her World and Her Work by Phyllis Grosskurth. Sherry Turkle wrote this book review for the New York Times, July 20, 2006. In it she describes the work of Melanie Klein and the development of the psychoanalytic movement.

Creativity and Imagination Janice E. Patten, Department of English at San Jose State University, wrote this online essay Melanie Klein: Psychoanalytical Views of Male, Female dynamics, involving Creativity and Imagination. Includes quotes from Klein and references.

Biography and Overview of Theories Linda M. Woolf’s students in an advanced seminar at Webster University, St. Louis, designed this web page on Karen Horney as part of a larger project on Women’s Intellectual Contributions to the Study of Mind and Society. See also Paper 2 and Paper 3 in the series.

Introductory Lectures on Melanie Klein by Robert M. Young. Young explains: ”I was invited to deliver two introductory lectures on Klein in a series on ‘Psychoanalytic Pioneers’ … given at the Tavistock Centre in London on 18 and 25 January 2000. In the first I outlined her personal and intellectual biography and discussed her ideas about primitive functioning, psychotic anxieties and unconscious phantasy. I appended a fairly comprehensive reading list. In the second I discussed Kleinian ideas about the Oedipus complex, projective identification and (briefly) pathological organizations. Both lectures draw on my other writings but are adapted for the occasions.”

Melanie Klein Trust Founded in 1955 to promote training and research in the psychoanalytic theory and technique adopted and practised by Melanie Klein and “developments thereof” the Trust is involved with publication, translation, education, conferences, and the preservation of Melanie Klein’s papers.

Overview by Gail Donaldson, Union College. Originally published in The Feminist Psychologist, Newsletter of the Society for the Psychology of Women, Division 35 of the American Psychological Association, Volume 29, Number 3, Summer, 2002.

Overview Check out this brief overview of Klein’s theory including definitions of object, object relations theory, splitting, play, the paranoid-schizoid position, the depressive position, and more.

Assignments, Exercises, and Activities

Current Researchers and Research Teams

Electronic Texts

Papers The Wellcome Library, London, dedicated to the understanding of medicine and its role in society, past and present maintains an online collection of the Melanie Klein’s papers and photos in their Western Archives and Manuscripts catalogue.

Examples and Illustrations

Lecture Notes

Slide Presentations

Tests, Measures, and Scales

Multimedia Resources

Photographs PsicoMundo, a Spanish language website about psychoanalysis, has a slide show of 31 photos from Melanie Klein’s life. To get there, once this page loads, click on Fotographías (on the left) and wait for the Java Applet to start.

Psychology’s Most Famous Elves Michael Britt, of The Psych Files podcast, did it again. He turned these 8 famous psychologists — among them Sigmund Freud and Anna Freud — into Elves (with a special guest appearance by Melanie Klein). Can you identify who they all are? (runs 2 minutes 1 second). Posted December, 2014.

Melanie Klein, about 1900. Melanie Klein c1900 by Carl Pietzner – Licensed under CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons.