Monthly Data Quality Report – Download Global LEI Data Quality Reports – About the Data Quality Reports – GLEIF

The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) publishes the monthly ‘Global LEI Data Quality Report’. It provides the following information identifying the overall data quality within the Global LEI System:

  • The LEI Total Data Quality Score for the reporting period.
  • Progress achieved with regard to the continuous optimization of the data quality within the Global LEI System based on the LEI Total Data Quality Score.
  • The Total Data Quality Score per country achieved in the reporting period.
  • Results of GLEIF checks of the LEI data records against implemented quality criteria, i.e. the percentage of records that successfully passed the tests.
  • The percentage of LEI data records, which meet the requirements of distinct quality maturity levels. See the maturity level chart on the right hand side of the report, which shows results with regard to the following maturity levels: Level 1 – ‘Required Quality’ (must be 100 percent for all data records); Level 2 – ‘Expected Quality’ (should be 100 percent); Level 3 – ‘Excellent Quality’ (the higher the better).
  • Information on ‘Level 2’ data, duplicates and challenges for the reporting period. (For background information: In May 2017, the process of enhancing the LEI data pool, by including Level 2 dataGlobal LEI Indexcentralized challenge facility
  • The section ‘Top 5 Failing Checks’ identifies those data quality checks performed by GLEIF which trigger the highest number of LEI records that fail these checks. In the report, the type of data quality check is indicated with a number. Please refer to the document

    ‘Data Quality Rule Setting’

    , available with the supporting documents

The monthly Global LEI Data Quality Reports are available for download (see below).