Museum Quality Ship Models for Sale – Historic Tall Ships | Fine Model Ships




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Ship model Russian sloop Nadezhda (Надежда) of 1802

Russian sloop
Nadezhda of 1802, 1 : 50 scale


Historic ship models


We offer you beautiful, superbly made historic ship models.
All of them are unique pieces, museum quality tall ship models for sale, made by experienced model builders.

Our model ships for sale: 


You see: you can buy beautiful historic ship models from
us. All of them are unique pieces – so there is only the one piece shown in the website
available for sale.

If you are a ship modeler, you may get information, ideas
and maybe some guidance from the pictures in our
gallery of ship
models sold.

Most people like tall ship models of the Great Age of Sail.
That’s what we offer. Our pieces are finely worked, fascinating wooden sailing ship models
and model boats for display at your home or your office.

Have a detailed look at the
quality of our models!  Our
customers were excited!

Besides historic ship models for sale we offer

half hulls and yacht models and
for ship models. This website also has information on
plans of historic ships,

museums, historic ships, replicas and an extensive

literature and links list of books on wooden ships and ship modeling.

If you are interested mainly in the ship model images:

non-exclusive licenses to reprint the images are available.

Here you find
information on transport of
ship models and

how to order a ship model.

Like us on

facebook !

Please call me or send an email, if you have questions or are interested
in one of the models. Or use our

contact form.

Dr. Michael Czytko, Kuehlstr. 31, D-45659 Recklinghausen,

Historic Ship Models Czytko,,,
Tel. +49 2361 59757, email:

[email protected]

If you come by car, it is easy

to find my home.


Feedback by customers

Re: Longboat 1750
Dear Dr. Czytko,
The Armed Longboat arrived safe and sound due to the excellent packing and transport box.The unpacking instructions were very clear and made unboxing fun. Everything went very smoothly and it was great working with your team. The model is exquisite work, far more than I expected.

Thank you,
Allen L., Kalispell, Northwest Montana, February 2023
Longboat 1750 in Montana, USA
Armed Longboat 1750 in Montana, USA

Betr.: Gedeckte Aak
Hallo Herr Czytko,
… das Schiff und ich sind gut angekommen. Es sieht wundervoll aus. Es ist nicht zu überdimensioniert, aber dennoch ein Anziehungspunkt im Raum. Die Details sind einzigartig und man entdeckt jedes Mal aufs Neue etwas anderes. Herzlichen Dank.

Viele Grüße
Thomas N., Rheinbreitbach, Germany, January 2023

Betr.: U-Boot Typ IXc
… bin mit dem Modell zu Hause gut angekommen. Es gefällt mit sehr gut, ich würde gern ein weiteres dieser Art gebaut bekommen.
Klaus Z., Hamburg, Januar 2023

Re: HMS Euryalus to Brest
Hello M. Czytko,
Everything was fine thanks to the quality of your (transport) box.
Best regards
Francois M., near Brest, France, December 2022

Re: Rhine river barge GUTE HOFFNUNG
… ein schönes kleines Modell, das prima auf meinen Schrank im Arbeitszimmer passt und bei allen meinen Besuchern große Begeisterung auslöst.
Rainer O., Marl, Germany, December 2022

Re: Baghla of Oman
Dear Michael,

I received the ship today after clearing it through the customs inspection myself. It seems that the model has arrived in perfect shape, due to the exceptional packing work done by you!
I want to thank you once again for discovering and sharing with me such a unique and meaningful work of art. As I told you before, this is the type of vessel that was sailed by my ancestors for trade, and I find myself mesmerized while observing the details of the ship and imagining what a life they must have led. In about two weeks time I will have the pleasure of presenting this as a gift to my wife upon her graduation from INSEAD’s MBA program. (She is soon to enter the business of international trade, much like her ancestors before her.) I enclosed a photo below of the unpacked model in my home. Many thanks for your diligence and thoughtfulness throughout this process. I do hope that I will have the pleasure of meeting you in the future.

All my best,

Aamer H., Dubai, June 2022
Baghla of Oman 19th century
Baghla of Oman arriving in Dubai

Betr.: Griechischer Handelssegler Kyrenia
Sehr geehrter Herr Czytko,
vielen herzlichen Dank für Ihre Gastfreundschaft und Ihre exzellenten Transportvorkehrungen, die es mir einfach machten, das Schiff nach Basel zu transportieren.
Ich wünsche Ihnen und Ihrer Frau alles Gute und bis bald!
Mit vielen Grüßen
Andreas T., Basel, Switzerland, May 2022

Betr.: Ewer Elisabeth
Hallo Herr Dr. Czytko,
… der Transport mit Verzögerung hat gut geklappt und die Elisabeth ist dank ausgezeichneter Verpackung ohne Schäden angekommen. Sie ist sehr schön und detailreich gearbeitet, was schon auf der Website zu erkennen war. Dennoch ist das Modell in natura noch einmal eine Steigerung. … Ihnen nochmals herzlichen Dank für den ausgezeichneten Service, frohe Ostern!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen von der Förde
Hans L., Kiel, Germany, April 2022
Ewer Elisabeth in Kiel
Ewer Elisabeth in Kiel, Germany

Re.: HMS Agamemnon
Hi Michael,
The ship finally arrived yesterday. I took a glance inside the box and took the attached photo. …. A friend helped me this evening to transfer the ship out of the box and into my home. Very impressive model!
Matt A., Dallas, USA, March 2022

Re: Polar expedition ship Scotia
Dear Dr. Czytko,
arrived today in perfect shape. … Very pleased with model. It met
all expectations. It has been so much fun to get to know you and to
work together. … You can’t believe how much fun we all had opening
the box.
Thanks and appreciation, Bob M., near Atlanta, USA,
March 2022

Re: Scandinavian Yacht 1840
Hi Michael,
All is good and the model is beautiful !  … unpacking the box was really easy and straightforward.
Happiness and prosper in the New 2022 Year !
P.S. I noticed in your shipping instructions you quoted John LeCarre. 🙂 My girlfriend and I like his work very much. “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy” ; “The Perfect Spy” are my favorites (imho they don’t even belong to that fuzzy and often cheap genre called “Spy Novel” and rather are great studies on human’s psychology and character).

Michael B., near Newark, USA, 1 January 2022
Scandinavian Yacht in Newark
Scandinavian Yacht that went to Newark, USA

Re: Dutch Statenjacht
Hello Michael,
Thanks for the instructions. I safely removed the model from the box and mounted it in my display cabinet. A very beautiful ship, many thanks to Mr. Ferlemann. I’m very pleased with the high quality of the jacht.
Hope you are enjoying your time off with family and friends!
Cheers, Matt A., Dallas, USA, 25 December 2021

Re: HMS Endeavour
Good afternoon M Czytko,
Endeavour did arrive on time. I could not resist to open the box and I put it in a safe place I am sure my grandchildren will not visit.
I join you a photo of the model.
Hope you are well and will have a happy Christmas in spite of omicron (virus)
Best regards, Francois M., near Brest, France, 21 December 2021
Endeavour on the shore of Brest, France
Endeavour on the shore of Brest, France


Betr.: Dänischer Schoner K. Hay
Lieber Herr Czytko,
Der Schoner “Hay” ist auf dem Fischland wohlbehalten angekommen, nachdem er Deutschland halb “durchschwommen” hat. Einen großen Anteil daran hatte Ihre geniale Transportkiste ! Alles ist so, wie ich mir das gedacht und vorgestellt hatte ! Wir wünschen Ihnen und Ihrer Familie nun ein schönes Weihnachtsfest, einen guten Rutsch und für 2022 nur das beste, besonders aber Gesundheit.

Ihr Klaus H. und Familie ut Wustrow, Germany, December 2021.

Betr.: La Salamandre
Lieber Herr Czytko,
Das Modell ist wohlbehalten bei mir eingetroffen, dank Ihrer genialen Transportkiste. Und was die Qualität der Arbeit betrifft: Phantastisch! Ich bin selber Modellbauer und kann dies gut einschätzen. Ganz, ganz toll, ich bin sehr zufrieden. … Ich hoffe, dass ich demnächst wieder einmal nach Norddeutschland fahren kann, gerne möchte ich Sie dann besuchen kommen und mir Ihre Ausstellung anschauen.

Herzliche Grüsse …
Marco T., Swizerland, November 2021

Re: L’Ambitieux
Bonjour M Czytko,
Je suis entièrement satisfait de mon achat. Quel maquette magnifique ! Comment le modéliste a t’il pu réaliser un tel navire, aussi détaillé, à une échelle aussi réduite (1/96) ? C’est un travail de haute précision et parfaitement réalisé à tout point de vue. Je recommande entièrement votre site.

A très bientôt Michel D., Valenciennes, France, November 2021

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