Music on Vinyl record label

You never miss an opportunity to slag them off but you have never said what titles you have.

I think your assessment is basically biased and bordering on misinformation. FWIW they use the best source they can – mostly this is high def digital files, which can sound brilliant if done right, as the owners won’t send the master tapes to them. Sometimes they get sent pressing masters cut from the original tapes in the US (like the Dylan titles).

The jackets and artwork are good/excellent, the pressing quality is superb (much better than US plants).

In summary if it’s a title you really want on vinyl and the MOV is the only version out there then buy it, you’ll be happy. If its a title that’s also done all analogue by someone else (eg the Hendrix stuff) you are better off getting the US version (which will sound better but the pressing may not be so good).

I think we should be supporting labels like this who are trying to do it right and are releasing some interesting stuff (not the same few audiophile titles that some US labels seem to endlessly release again and again).

Btw, Fremer did a review of their Kind of Blue sourced from high Rez files and thought it was superb.

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