Naomi Wolf banned from Twitter for spreading vaccine myths(Author and former adviser to US vice-president Al Gore) News

One of Naomi Wolf’s most famous moments pre-Covid was two years ago when she was promoting a book about how, unbeknownst to most people, gay men were commonly executed in Victorian England in massive numbers.

During a radio interview with a historian to promote the book, it slowly came to light that the entire premise was based on a complete misunderstanding of the records. Firstly, she was considering all people convicted of “sodomy” to have been convicted of homosexuality, when most people with any knowledge of history could tell you that that term was used to describe any sort of sex crime. Second, the thing she was reading as executions did seem like that (“death recorded”), but the historian in the interview explained to her, on air, that that was a term used for vacating a capital offense, meaning the convicts were not being executed at all.