Nonfunctional Requirements

Non-functional Requirements

In addition to the obvious features and functions that you will provide
in your system, there are other requirements that don’t actually DO anything,
but are important characteristics nevertheless. These are called “non-functional
requirements” or sometimes “Quality Attributes.”  For example, attributes
such as performance, security, usability, compatibility. aren’t a “feature”
of the system, but are a required characteristic.
You can’t write a specific line of code to implement them, rather they are
“emergent” properties that arise from the entire solution.
The specification needs
to describe any such attributes the customer requires. You must decide
the kind of requirements that apply to your project and include those that
are appropriate.

Each requirement is simply stated in english. Each requirement must
be objective and quantifiable; there must be some measurable way to assess
whether the requirement has been met.

Often deciding on quality attributes requires making tradeoffs, e.g.,
between performance and maintainability. In the APPENDIX you must include
an engineering analysis of any significant decisions regarding tradeoffs
between competing attributes.

Here are some examples of non-functional requirements:

Performance requirements

Requirements about resources required, response time, transaction rates,
throughput, benchmark specifications or anything else having to do with

Operating constraints

List any run-time constraints. This could include system resources,
people, needed software, …

Platform constraints

Discuss the target platform. Be as specific or general as the user
requires. If the user doesn’t care, there are still platform constraints.

Accuracy and Precision

Requirements about the accuracy and precision of the data. (Do you
know the difference?) Beware of 100% requirements; they often cost too


Requirements about the effort required to make changes in the software.
Often, the measurement is personnel effort (person- months).


The effort required to move the software to a different target platform.
The measurement is most commonly person-months or % of modules that need


Requirements about how often the software fails. The measurement is
often expressed in MTBF (mean time between failures). The definition of
a failure must be clear. Also, don’t confuse reliability with availability
which is quite a different kind of requirement.  Be sure to specify
the consequences of software failure, how to protect from failure, a strategy
for error detection, and a strategy for correction.


One or more requirements about protection of your system and its data.
The measurement can be expressed in a variety of ways (effort, skill level,
time, …) to break into the system.  Do not discuss solutions (e.g.
passwords) in a requirements document.


Requirements about how difficult it will be to learn and operate the
system. The requirements are often expressed in learning time or similar


There may be legal issues involving privacy of information, intellectual
property rights, export of restricted technologies, etc.

Others … there are many others. Consult your resources.


There are
of good and bad quality attributes, written by the fall 98 CSC 205 classes
for your viewing pleasure.

Here are some more examples.