Not allowed to run ads on Facebook? Here’s why!

You want to advertise on Facebook, but your Ad Account is disabled or restricted from advertising? There are several reasons why this may happen to your account. In this article we focus on the most common reasons why your Ad Account gets disabled. Luckily, Facebook provides some options to request reviews te re-activate your Facebook Ad Account.

Not all restrictions are the same. Depending on the reason why your account is restricted, you may lose some of the advertising features you can use, or, in worst case, a loss of access to all advertising features.

Source: / Ad Account Disabled alert

Most common reasons why your Ad Account is restricted from advertising

Before we dive into details, here’s a short list of the most common reasons:

  • Not following Facebook Advertising Policies
  • Repeatedly violated the policies
  • Not following the Community Standards
  • Facebook noticed suspicious activity on your account

2 examples of advertising restrictions

Allowed to advertise but with restrictions

Your Ad Account may be restricted from using some of the advertising features. If that’s the case you will see a notice that reads you can still use your business and assets to advertise, but with restrictions on ad spend, delivery and certain features.

The most common reason for this to happen is when your business has repeatedly had ads rejected for not complying with Facebook Advertising Policies. You can continue to advertise and by following policies going forward, your account may be fully restored from limitations after a longer time of following the policies.

Advertising Restrictions notice: advertise with restrictions

Not allowed to advertise

Second example is when your Ad Cccount is not allowed to advertise. This means you can no longer use that Ad Account to advertise on Facebook. Below is the kind of notice you might see in your Account Quality dashboard. There are multiple possible reasons why your business account is no longer allowed to advertise:

  • Your business did not comply with one or more of the Facebook Advertising Policies
  • Too many of your ads got rejected
  • Your business attempted to circumvent the ad review process
  • Your business participated in fraudulent behavior or associated with untrustworthy accounts

Advertising Restrictions notice: not allowed to advertise

How to resolve a disabled Ad Account?

If you believe your Ad Account was disabled incorrectly and you believe it shouldn’t be disabled, you can request a review. To proceed with this request, you need to visit your Account Quality dashboard.

Facebook Account Quality dashboard

To find more information about your restrictions, the best place to visit is the Facebook Account Quality dashboard. You can visit your ‘Account Quality‘ page within Facebook Business Manager.


Request a review

From the Account Quality dashboard you will find a link to request a review of your restricted Ad Account. Click the ‘Confirm identity’ button and fill out the form.

Source: / request a review

If the ‘Request Review’ button is not clickable, it means you first need to confirm your identity. Before you can request a review you will need to upload identification to confirm your identity. Follow the instructions from the notice at the top of your Account Quality dashboard.

In some case, you will also need to confirm your account first.

After confirmation, you can now proceed to the request form. If your Ad Account was disabled because it didn’t comply with the Facebook’s Advertising Policies or other standards, this is the place to request a review if you believe it shouldn’t be disabled.

Source Screenshot: / form: Request Review of Restricted Ad Account

The review request form let’s you choose the Ad Account you wish te be reviewed. You will see a list of all Ad Accounts available for review here. If you’re not sure which policy was violated, you can select the first option for that specific reason. If you feel like your account has been hacked or there was unauthorized use of your Ad Account, you can select the second option. If you are quite sure why your Ad Account was disabled, you can provide that input by selecting ‘another reason’. This might help Facebook support to better review your case.

Be patient

A manual review of your account may take some time. Be patient and don’t create any new review requests in the meantime, multiple requests might cause support issues.

And above all, refrain from creating a new Facebook profile, a new Facebook Business Manager and/or new Facebook Ad Accounts. Doing so might get you banned forever, you don’t want that to happen.