PHYSICS124 – Naomi Klein- Final Draft.docx – 1 It Is Never Too Late to Change It is inevitable that the environment is gradually declining due to the excess amount | Course Hero


It Is (Never) Too Late to Change

It is inevitable that the environment is gradually declining due to the excess

amount of pollution, overpopulation, money issues, and the oblivious individuals who

believe they everything is “fine”.

On the other hand, Canadian author, Naomi Klein,

strongly advocates in providing a change on Earth by discusses the effects of

government policies and manufacturing duties that are the cause of climate change in

her essay, “Hot Money: How Free Market Fundamentalism Helped Overheat the

Planet”. Throughout this piece, Klein explains her views multiple countries “high

consumption lifestyle” and further weighs in her ideas toward on how to make the

economy a better place. Klein’s perspective on “degrowth” and “the caring economy”

caused her to develop three ideas: consuming less, providing more job opportunities,

and constructing energy-efficient transportation. This will overall affect our habits as

consumers by allowing people to work in order to make a source of income and further

creating a foundation on how to live and spend the rest of their lives.


Klein introduces an effortless way for consumers to contribute to the environment.

Consuming less and consuming green will create a more suitable space for people in

the community while also benefitting the climate.

Klein specifically advocates in

consuming less in numerous ways, some ways include hanging clothes to air dry

(instead of using the dryer, excessive heat), reusing grocery bags (instead of plastic

bags), and taking shorter showers (instead of using more water than necessary). In