(PPT) QFD PPT | Soumya Khatua – Academia.edu

Innovation development is a fundamental condition for companies to hold their positions in intensified market competition, to stabilise sales, to contribute to a company’s growth, and to reduce risks through diversification. There are many examples in prior literature of the importance of sensory analysis in terms of designing, testing, launching, and rethinking food products. When these tools are conceived of not only as a unique and isolated science but also jointly with other fields in marketing research, the interdisciplinary approach increases the potential and efficiency of research and development. Product innovation can be instrumental for firms that want to respond to changes in the business environment and be market oriented. Thus, after having demonstrated the importance of the “House of Quality” and “Buyer Utility Map,” as well as their application to the innovation process, this chapter underlines the usefulness of adopting multiple methods and interdisciplinary approaches, with the support of background information and the use of the latest research in the field of consumer science.