Performance Management and Quality Improvement



By improving both performance and quality, public health systems save lives, cut costs and get better results.


is a systematic process aimed at helping achieve an organization’s mission and strategic  goals by improving effectiveness, empowering employees, and streamlining the decision-making process.  Performance Management (PM) is a systematic process aimed at helping achieve an organization’s mission and strategicgoals by improving effectiveness, empowering employees, and streamlining the decision-making process.


focuses on the process to help bring services to the next level with the aim to improve the overall health of a community. The Public Health Foundation (PHF) has been helping organizations improve the quality and performance of their services for years. Visit the performance management and quality improvement focus areas to learn more.Quality Improvement (QI) focuses on the process to help bring services to the next level with the aim to improve the overall health of a community. The Public Health Foundation (PHF) has been helping organizations improve the quality and performance of their services for years. Visit the performance management and quality improvement focus areas to learn more.

What is Performance Management and Quality Improvement (PMQI)?