Quality Circle: Approach to Improve Process Through Employee Engagement

What is Quality Circle?

Quality Circle is one of the effective employee engagement methods. It helps in improving both Productivity & Quality by improving skill, capacity, and creativity though collective process knowledge increment, training, discussion etc.

Quality Circle is originally a Japanese management technical introduced by Japanese lecturer Dr. Edward Deming.

A quality circle is a formed with group of mates who do the same of similar type of works. The main idea s to select a group of people ideally small in size who can meet & discuss regularly to identify, analyze and solved work related problem.

Why Quality Circle is required?

Quality Circle plays an important role in increasing companies profit by improving both process & product. It helps in increasing engagement and ownership of employees.

How to start a Quality Circle?

In first place, we need to explain about quality circle and purpose to our target group and urge then for volunteering.

Once you get a volunteer team, form a steering committee with facilitator, co-coordinator, Team Leader and members. Train team on their role on the basics of Quality Circle approach.

Make a formal inauguration of team by Bossiness Leadership; it will make team motivated, empowered and acceptable.

Set a meeting schedule preferably one hour in a week for Quality Circle meet and provide necessary facility for quality circle meeting and its operation.

 Structure of Quality Circle:

Main team is consisting of 6-12 member contains Facilitator, Leader and member. Beside this there should be a coordinator who will act like bridge between Quality Circle and Management.

What Quality Circle will do?

Quality Circle will work for improvement for both process & product by following set of sequential step

1)Problem identification 2)Problem selection 3) Problem analysis 4) Find possible alternative solution 5)Select most appropriate solution 6) Prepare corrective action plan 7) Present the solution to Management 8) Implementation of solution

 Challenges that make Quality Circle ineffective-

Not truly volunteer , Unsure of purpose , lack of training, lack of management interest, non-empowered Quality Circle team. 

Tools that quality circle use:

There is no mandatory form or tools to operate a quality circle activities but widely using Brain Storming,   Brain storming, PDCA(Plan DO Check & Act) & Fishbone diagram etc. 

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