Quality Engineering

Quality Engineering aims to promote a rich exchange among the quality engineering community by publishing papers that describe new methods ready for immediate industrial application or novel examples of employed techniques.

You are invited to submit application-motivated manuscripts describing methodological contributions and/or case studies related to:

  • Experimental design and analysis
  • Measurement system analysis
  • Process modeling
  • Product and process optimization
  • Quality control and process monitoring
  • Reliability
  • Response surface methodology
  • Risk analysis and management
  • Robust parameter design
  • Statistical engineering
  • Test and evaluation techniques
  • Uncertainty quantification for quality

We also strongly encourage manuscripts on emerging areas of quality engineering. For example, manuscripts focused on techniques and tools in Quality 4.0, intelligent manufacturing, data science and analytics for quality, and network systems analysis are particularly welcome.

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial evaluation by the Editor and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert reviewers.

All peer review is single blind. Submissions are made online via ScholarOne Manuscripts. For more information on submitting a manuscript visit our Instructions for Authors page.

Author benefits

We are abstracted and indexed in several prestigious databases including the Science citation index, Scopus, Engineering Index/COMPENDEX and more.

We are affiliated with the American Society of Quality meaning your research will be visible available to all their members.

The prestigious and experienced members of our international Editorial Board will guide you from submission to publication.

Our Author Services page provides you with tips and tricks to promote your research on social media and through your network. This includes 50 free e-prints to share with anyone you wish.

Quickly and easily track the impact your paper makes with the help of Authored Works.

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.