Quality Engineers Interview Questions (With Example Answers) – Zippia

Quality Engineers Interview Questions (With Example Answers)

In any industry, the development, production, and deployment of a good or service is a process that starts with an idea and ends with a tangible product for the customer. If all goes according to plan, the goods or service will function exactly as expected.

However, this is rarely, if ever the case.

Adjustments are usually needed along the way to correct mistakes that are discovered. To mitigate the potential for faulty products, many businesses set up an architecture of plans and processes that oversee the product’s life cycle and maintain its quality.

This architecture is known as quality engineering.

Quality Engineering

Quality engineering (QE) is very much like quality assurance (QA). In fact, some industries and businesses use the names interchangeably.

However, for this article, we will consider two key characteristics of a quality engineer that separate them from other members within quality occupations.

  1. QE is treated as an engineering field. This means it relies on scientific principles to build a rational system of quality oversight. Data and applied mathematics are analyzed heavily. This allows for quality to be predicted, recorded, and perfected in a logically organized way.

  2. Whereas someone in QA may be involved in strictly planning or testing, members in QE are expected to understand all levels of the process from development to release. This means in QE you will know the intricacies as well as the overall vision for the product which empowers you to make rational decisions.

A QE, like other engineers, is relied on for their analytical and critical thinking skills. A QE uses these skills to design, implement and test ways to analyze and approve the quality of a product. Since they have extensive knowledge, the QE is expected to work with management, production, and even customers.

Large companies may give you a specific role to fill within QE, however, to be an ideal candidate you want to show you understand the diverse dynamics of the role.

As a QE, you must be ready to handle each stage of the product lifecycle and the different groups of people who are affected. If you plan to interview for a QE position, you should prepare for a wide range of questions that will test your knowledge of the position and its role within the product life cycle.

Read through the following examples of QE questions and answers to help guide your understanding of the role. Look for ways the questions challenge your expectations to consider where you might need to improve.

11 Examples of QE Questions And Answers

  1. How would you describe quality engineering? This question tests both your knowledge of QE and your communication skills.

    Assume your interviewer does not know the specifics of QE and speaks in such a way that most professionals would understand. Avoid jargon but also do not be vague. Convey your idea with an assertive approachability.

    Example Answer:

    “Quality engineering is a philosophy that merges engineering principles, such as using logic and data analysis, with quality implementation. The documentation and rational structure of quality engineering allow for a better understanding of quality that can be further studied and perfected.”

  2. What are the responsibilities of a quality engineer? The job description will tell you the responsibilities of the QE position, so reiterate what is written. If time allows, go further and expand your answer to cover the role QE plays within a company. Highlight how you understand QE is beholden to many stakeholders.

    Example Answer:

    “I know that my day-to-day responsibilities would include monitoring the test results of the sampling procedures, as well as preparing contingency plans for possible errors. I believe it will also be my responsibility to make myself available to members of the management, production, and customer relations teams to supplement each other’s expertise.”

  3. Tell me of an experience you dealt with a difficult customer or client. What happened? How did you resolve it? QE can include customer interaction. Your customer service soft skills are just as important as your analytical hard skills. Answer this behavioral question in a way that shows your effective professionalism.

    Example Answer:

    “When I worked at an IT help desk, I often dealt with customers who were frustrated with our product’s instructions. Once I dealt with a rude customer who threatened me, but I remained calm. I had prepared a simplified version of our instructions which I emailed to the customer and offered to stay on the phone while they worked out the new directions.”

  4. How do you feel about working on a team? QE deals with many different stakeholders such as design teams and suppliers. Also, you may be a member of a QE team. In any case, you should be ready and willing to work with others.

    Example Answer:

    “I enjoy working on teams. I find it very constructive to weigh differing ideas for problems and solutions. For a team to succeed the goals should be clear and channels of communication polite and direct.”

  5. How would you assert a change needed to improve quality? Though a QE is expected to provide solutions that improve quality, other stakeholders in the production process may disagree on what is required. You have to convince others professionally. As a QE you must be able to be tactful yet firm on issues of quality.

    Example Answer:

    “As long as I had the data to back up my argument, I would be assertive by contextualizing the need for change. I would show how the change would be a positive benefit for the company. I would listen to feedback but unless they provided a rational counterargument, I would maintain my position.”

  6. What is the importance of a project quality plan? The project quality plan, also known as the quality management plan, details the processes and standards that will define a quality product. It is the central tool for any QE, for without the guidelines there would be no rationale for the actions of a QE.

    Example Answer:

    “The project quality plan is the backbone of the quality process. It contains how quality will be achieved with specific steps in production along with certain metrics and other deliverables that act as standards for quality. The project quality plan guides quality engineers from start to finish.”

  7. What do you know about the American Society for Quality? The ASQ is a nonprofit organization that promotes quality tools and ideas for all businesses. It provides certifications, training, and publications.

    Companies rely on the ASQ to improve their quality systems. You will likely have to deal with the ASQ at various points in your career.

    Example Answer:

    “The American Society for Quality acts as a guiding member of the quality community to ensure that the best practices and standards are met. Their certifications help raise the standards of a company’s production process. To remain competitive it is important to consider the ASQ when designing project quality plans.”

  8. What do you know about the International Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) 9000 series? The ISO is made up of 165 national standard organizations that work to create an international set of specifications for standardizations in all facets of the economy.

    This includes quality management. The ISO 9000 series lists the fundamental concepts and principles of quality management.

    Example Answer:

    “The ISO 9000 series helps quality engineers make sure they’re using internationally standardized practices for quality processes. It includes best practices as well as validations. The standardization of the ISO 9000 series allows a company to work with multiple global partners.”

  9. What do you think is the biggest challenge a quality engineer faces? This is a question that is left to your interpretation and you will be judged based on your thought process.

    If you are serious about QE and have done your research, you will have several options to choose from. Pick a valid issue that you are passionate about.

    Example Answer:

    “I think the biggest challenge a quality engineer faces is dealing with the fast-paced changes of the modern economy. New ideas are always blossoming however they may not always be practically implemented. A quality engineer needs to maintain a balance of being methodical while also flexible to ever-changing demands.”

  10. What would you do if you learned production had to be stopped immediately? Particularly in manufacturing, a halt in production can be a huge problem. Depending on the workflow, a halt could cause a backup or else damage the supply chain.

    Therefore, if production needs to be stopped, there needs to be a good reason.

    Example Answer:

    “Stopping production is never easy. It affects people both inside and outside the company. However, as a quality engineer, I have to ensure a quality product is shipped. I would act if something endangered people or if left alone would do more damage than if confronted immediately.”

  11. Where do you want to take your quality engineering career? This is like the five-year question. The interviewer wants to know what your long-term goals and plans are because a career in quality engineering is a commitment. Companies invest in candidates who show dedication to the role.

    Example Answer:

    “Eventually I would like to get a management role in quality engineering. I am interested in using my knowledge to lead teams and build more efficient and effective quality systems. I also like to work alongside other departments to hear everyone’s voice in the process.”

Search For Quality Engineer Jobs

Final Thoughts

Quality engineering is a great career choice because it is found in so many industries. If you enjoy learning how things are made and how quality is maintained, you should consider quality engineering. Begin searching for quality engineering positions today. Edit your resume, write a cover letter, and get yourself an interview.

The above questions are just some of the many possibilities you may be asked. Prepare as much as possible and do the research into the position. Be as methodical in your pursuit for a quality engineer position as you would be working as one.