Quality Guarantee — Babbletype

Our quality guarantee

We want you to be completely satisfied with every aspect of your experience with Babbletype. If you are unhappy about anything, please contact us and let us know. 


Each Babbletype product has a defined specification you can find in our product pages. We guarantee that the product you receive will match that specification, and that the accuracy of the clearly audible content of your recordings will be at least 99%. 


Our translation products are interpreted translations for market research applications. Their goal is to capture the full meaning of all content spoken efficiently and economically, not to attempt to transliterate everything said word for word. When we measure accuracy, our focus is on the accuracy of that translated content against the meaning of the original recording. We guarantee a content accuracy level of at least 99% against the original source material. 


We stand behind our work and will work closely with you to correct any discrepancies.