Quality Hill Apartments – 1003-1005 Broadway Blvd Kansas City, MO | Apartments.com

I DO NOT recommend living at 1005 Pennsylvania Avenue, or in any of the properties managed by this company for that matter.

1. They are super responsive when trying to get you to sign a lease, but then take days if not weeks to get back to you when you submit a maintenance request or have a general tenant question.

2. Their maintenance is essentially non existent. My toilet was leaking starting at 9pm one night. I submitted an emergency maintenance request immediately because of left unattended it would have completely flooded my apartment and the apartment below in a matter of hours. After multiple calls, emails, voicemails, etc with no response, I had no choice but to stay up all night to try and contain the leak until they finally arrived at 11 AM the next day. This could have had catastrophic consequences had I not contained the leak yet instead of realizing this they seemed almost annoyed that I had an issue in the first place.

3. Amenities are non-existent. For months we were told the pool would be open soon but it never was.

4. The parking lot is ALWAYS full. They lease units with the promise of a parking spot while knowing they have leased more spots than they have.

5. The building itself is never clean.

6. Their overturn for managers is the most ive ever seen since I moved in 14 months ago.