Quality Improvement Process
Mục lục
A New Model – A New Way of Thinking
Quality Improvement is a process; a journey that is continuous. The current focus on ratings for Great Start to Quality leaves providers “checking the box” in order to achieve a higher rating, rather than focusing as much as they could on true quality improvements.
Over the years providers have shared how the connection between Star ratings and other rating systems (Yelp, Google, etc.) gives families an inaccurate context for measuring program quality. With provider and stakeholder feedback, the Great Start to Quality Advisory Committee has developed a new model to better support program reflection and quality improvement. In this new model, there will also be indicators for self-reflection that will not be scored, but instead is used to inform quality improvement.
Learn more about the improvements to Great Start to Quality, what has changed, what stays the same and how programs can prepare for the transition. Check out the overview booklet.
Levels of Quality
There will no longer be Star ratings but instead five Levels of Quality:
Maintains a licensing status of Original, Regular, or 1st Provisional
Conducts a Self-Reflection of the Quality Indicators
Creates one goal in the Quality Improvement Plan and assigns a due date
May choose to receive free coaching from a Great Start to Quality Resource Center or specific program coaching
Enhancing Quality – Validated
Completes at least one goal in the Quality Improvement Plan then completes Validation and prepares for On-Site Observation
Meets threshold scores for all ages served through On-Site Observation
The Process
The process of quality improvement never ends. There is always new research and learnings in the field of Early Care and Education and in the new process, programs are encouraged and supported to continue to reflect on their practices, in line with the program’s philosophy. This can assist programs in creating goals for improvement to ensure the best quality care for the children and families they serve.
Steps in the Process
There are eight basic steps in the full quality improvement process. Contact your local Great Start to Quality Resource Center to help you every step of the way.
What Happens to My Rating?
Programs that have a current, valid rating will convert to a quality level on February 1, 2023. Programs that receive increase subsidy reimbursement will continue to receive the same rate of payment.
Some Things Change – Some Things Stay the Same
While many improvements to Great Start to Quality are in place, there are also many parts of the process that are the same. Check out changed and what is staying the same.
Quality Indicators
As part of the revisions to Great Start to Quality, the Quality Indicators have been thoroughly revised, based on provider and stakeholder feedback to provide simple and clear language. The revised Indicators are supportive of all program types, give opportunity to reflect and improve high-quality practices, and promote equity and inclusion in all programs.
Transition Timeline for Programs
A transition timeline was put in place to support currently Star rated programs, or those interested in becoming Star rated before the transition to the Quality Improvement Process in February 2023. The Great Start to Quality STARS tab be available between December 20, 2022 and January 31, 2023 so that programs can access their current rating information and reports. Programs will not be able to take any action to rating cases during that time. On February 1, programs will see a Quality Improvement tab on their Organization Profile which will contain all participation information up to that date.
Maintaining Quality Levels
Programs can apply to access the Self-Reflection before the current quality level expires in order to maintain that level and the related increased subsidy rate. From the time the program applies for Reflecting on Quality, they have six months to move through the process to their current level. If the program does not take all the steps to get back to the same quality level, they will publish at the level they achieved at the 6-month mark from the date of application for Reflecting on Quality. This means if the program has not taken all steps needed, the quality level may be different than previously earned.
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