Quality Operating Procedure – Peoria Production Solutions

Quality Operating ProcedureQuality Operating Procedure What is a Quality Operating Procedure? (QOP)

A quality operating procedure (QOP) is a written document composed of step-by-step instructions used to complete a routine operational task. These procedures help to achieve efficiency, performance, and quality control.

Quality Operating Procedures are important to ensure that production operations are performed consistently to maintain the quality of products and processes.

The purpose of operational procedures is to define systems, assign responsibilities and authorities, and provide instructions for carrying out activities comprising the quality system. Operational procedures explain the what, when, who and how for each activity; identify interfaces for the activity; and instruct who should be informed and how the results of the activity should be recorded.

PPS uses specific coding for our operational procedures such as QOP-SS-NN. QOP stands for Quality Operational Procedure, SS is the section in the quality manual to which the procedure pertains, and NN is the consecutive number of a procedure for the section.

Importance of Quality Operating Procedures

1. Increases Business Productivity

QOPs can be beneficial for companies that produce the same product over a long period of time. PPS has been working with a Fortune 100 manufacturer for over 80 years. The procedures help to increase business productivity.

2.Processes Remain Consistent as the Company Expands

PPS is expanding so QOPs can make the work processes portable. Our new employees at the new location can uphold our reputation by using the same QOPs to replicate the products and services provided at the original location.

3.Reduces Errors

Standardized procedures help guide our employees and reduce the possibility of missed steps that impact the quality of the completed product. A QOP ensures that our customers’ products are created in the same way from start to finish every time, creating consistency with high-quality products.

4. Keeps Processes within the Company

Writing down procedures helps to keep key information with the company. This is beneficial when new employees take over a process and for cross-training of employees. It is important for the company to have a physical copy of all work instructions and procedures with documented alterations and continual improvements noted.

5. Better Time Management

QOPs are a valuable component for a new hire, ultimately reducing training time. As PPS expands, we will be hiring more employees. With specific work instructions, the quality operating procedure details the checks for quality personnel.

As an ISO registered company, we use Quality Operating Procedures to remain consistent when following strict quality guidelines. PPS promises to maintain the quality of our customers’ products. Visit our website to join our quality team.