Quality Policy Statement | Glassworks

The QMS system provides a framework for risk based approach to thinking, managing opportunities and mitigation of risks and has been developed to enable full integration of in-house, product, industry best practice and client specific requirements.

This in turn improves the overall efficiency of the organisation and supports top management with complaints/defects revention, customer satisfaction, pursuit of continual improvement and the achievement of the quality objectives.

Our principal aim is to always supply to our customers, high quality, precision engineered products and customer services that complies with current engineering standards and legislation within the UK, and meets or exceeds customer requirements. The establishment of a quality management system is therefore the foundation to establish a company culture centred upon continual improvement.

Our quality management system is based on the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001 and the company is fully committed to fulfilling these requirements.

The Directors will demonstrate leadership and commitment through the implementation of the quality system, including the formulation, monitoring and measurement of our quality objectives.

This policy will be communicated to all staff and any necessary stakeholders and interested parties i.e. sub-contractors that may be working on our behalf, and will be available to the public via Glassworks Hounsell web site: http://www.glassworkshounsell.co.uk

The Directors will review this policy and formulate quality objectives during annual management reviews to ensure its integrity, effectiveness and compatibility with the context and strategic direction of the organisation.

View full Quality Policy Statement here.