Quality policy statement examples: Create your best quality statement

What is a quality policy statement?

Quality is a broad term and concept which is central to all companies and anyone who delivers a product or service. For most of time, quality has been an expectation for anyone trading goods, services and money. If I pay for ‘X’, then I want to know and be assured that that product or service will fulfil the duty I expected it to and perform properly.

Quality is the backbone of every business, because quality is what creates reputation, word of mouth and repeat business. Without quality, it is extremely hard to build a successful company.

Because of it’s importance, there is a high level of focus, procedure and documentation around quality management in all companies.

Many of these procedures and documents are internally focused (quality policies etc.), some are external focused (quality assurances etc.) while some serve both.

A quality policy statement is one of the tools which companies create and use both internally and externally.

A quality policy statement is a short document published by the quality team or management of an organisation to establish what quality means to that organisation.

Quality policy statements are always used internally as a means of establishing a quality baseline for all employees to adhere to, while they are commonly made public and available to investors, customers, suppliers and regulators as a means of quality assurance and PR.

A quality policy statement is often the quality ‘mission’ or principles of the organisation, and brings multiple quality standards and policies in one well presented and digestible document.