Quality policy statement template (Use or copy the template free)

Why you need a quality policy statement

Quality is everything. When any company creates a product or delivers a service, it needs to deliver it in a way which meets (or ideally exceeds) the expectations of the customer.

If the quality of any product or service is low, people won’t use it. If the quality is high, then people will love it and talk about it.

The quality of your product or service quickly becomes the reputation of the company.

In addition to the tangible side of quality which equates to the good or service which is actually delivered, companies also spend a lot of time on creating quality policies, procedures, processes and documents to maintain strict internal quality controls – and to appease and win customers through quality assurance.

A quality policy statement is an important part of quality assurance because it documents an organisations approach and principles in regards to delivering quality – which can be read, referenced and trusted by all parties associated with that organisation.

Customers, suppliers and other stakeholders look towards quality policy statements and the mission of an organisation when thinking about and assessing whether to do business with them.

A strong and honest commitment to quality from a management team in the form of a quality statement can go a long way to winning work and putting internal and external parties at ease.

Intentions and commitments aren’t as important is outcomes, but they do matter.

It also serves the purpose of giving workers at a company a clear understanding of what quality means to the organisation, and how these principles should permeate how work is done every day.

Creating a culture of quality starts with commitments and promises through formal documentation and procedures – and then becomes about having the processes in place to execute well. Ensuring employees and people in key roles have a reference point for the standard of quality expected trickles down through an organisation.

On a very tangible level, important quality systems and standards like the ISO 9001 require a quality statement, so it is a must-have for companies looking to create a reliable and standard proof quality management system.

All companies should have a concise quality statement, which is why we have put together a quality policy statement template below.