Rain Dove | The College Agency

What our clients have to say…

Rain Dove was fantastic! Their lecture as part of our Pride Week was both engaging and inspiring. Above all though, they were a super cool individual! They spent time after the show hanging out with the students and taking time to mentor them. They even stayed after to help the students decorate the venue for our National Coming Out Day Open Mic event, scheduled for the next day! We were very pleased with the event and my heart was warmed as I witnessed the connections they made with students afterward. Rain definitely went above and beyond!

– Everett Community College

Everything went great! Rain was excellent and many students stayed behind to chat with them. Rain is a true advocate and even mentioned an emergency with a student and offering to help. The best speaker we have had this academic year!

– Missouri Western State University

Rain is an amazing speaker! Our students really enjoyed having them to campus! Rain is such an inspiration to students! We can’t wait to have Rain back on campus!

– Monmouth University

Just wanted to say thank you to you and Rain Dove for being so fantastic throughout this event. Rain’s lecture really struck a cord with our audience and I am so grateful for the message they are spreading. Thank you!

– Texas State University