Reimagining Job Quality Measurement – The Families & Workers Fund

For too long, the US has measured the health of our economy by counting the total number of jobs, not whether these are good, dignified jobs that provide financial stability and a ladder to opportunity. As we rebuild from the COVID-19 pandemic, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reimagine our measurement systems to more accurately reflect working peoples’ experiences and aspirations.

The Reimagining Job Quality Measurement report provides bold, actionable recommendations for government, philanthropy, business, and the nonprofit sector to strengthen how we collect, connect and use data to tell a fuller story about the economy and the experiences of the workers who power it. The report was developed by the Job Quality Measurement Initiative, a collaboration between the Families and Workers Fund, Ford Foundation, Irvine Foundation, Lumina Foundation, Omidyar Network, Schmidt Futures, and the U.S. Department of Labor, along with more than 70 experts.

We hope you’ll collaborate with us to advance better job quality measurement and better jobs for the people who power our economy.

“This effort to measure job quality in a concrete way gives businesses, workers, and policymakers a real tool to meet the needs of employers and working people in this country. With good measurement tools, we can focus not only on more jobs, but on good jobs. And when we have a better understanding of job quality, we can ensure we have an equitable economy that works for everyone.”


U.S. Deputy Secretary of Labor Julie Su