Rendering settings

Rendering settings

For Rendering settings, activate the


module and then, click



. The

Rendering Settings

dialog box opens.

Adjust the

Creo Elements/Direct

Rendering Module’s settings, including performance settings, via the following tabs:

Photo-Realistic Settings

Viewport Image Size

: Select




to achieve faster viewport rendering.


: Select one of the following:


: Use this setting to quickly preview lighting changes. Aspects unimportant to viewing lighting changes are skipped.


: Quickly preview changes in render materials. Aspects unimportant to viewing material changes are skipped.


: This mode generates images of sufficient quality in most cases.


: Use this mode to further increase the quality of rendered images containing transparent or mirror-like attributes.

Tone Mapping Mode

: Tone mapping is a process to adjust the luminance values that are available in the real world to the limited range of luminance values that are available on computer displays or on printing devices. You should enable tone mapping for rendering while working with High Dynamic Range (HDR) images or with light sources that are based on physically-correct light intensities. To control Tone Mapping select one of the following:


: Tone mapping is not applied.


: Scene brightness automatically adjusts to a range that displays well on the screen.


: Scene brightness automatically adjusts to generate images that are well lit on the computer screen and in print. The Perceptual mode can be used as an alternative mode to the Auto mode and usually produces equal or better image quality than the Auto mode.




tone mapping mode is inspired by human perception.

Global Illumination

: This calculates the effects of diffuse and secondary specular illumination. Areas not directly hit by any lights are illuminated by light bouncing off other components of the scene.


: No global illumination is applied.


: Use this option to sacrifice some quality for rendering speed.


: Use this option to generate the highest quality images.


A side effect of enabling Global Illumination is increased rendering speed for scenes using dome lights (e.g., Sky, Simple Sky, HDRI, etc.).

Realtime Settings

Ambient Occlusion

: Displays Realtime rendered images with enhanced realism by accounting for attenuation of light due to occlusion.


In ambient occlusion, occluded model areas, such as those in the corners of a model, appear darker than model areas that are un-occluded by any other part of the model as shown in the following images.

Figure 55.

No Ambient Occlusion

Figure 56.

With Ambient Occlusion

Image based lighting

: Uses environment lights for Realtime rendering.*

To light a scene, environment lights use information from images surrounding the scene (environment maps). All brightly-lit areas of the images serve as light sources. Darker areas of the images also light the scene. The effect is the same as indirect lighting in the real world.

Realtime shadow does not work with environment lights, but you can have realtime shadows in your scene by adding lights of other types such as distant, spot, or sun.

Most of the pre-defined light studios that use environment lights also define an alternative light studio for Realtime rendering. For image based lighting, the alternative light studio is ignored and the scene is rendered using the environment light.

Simplified and Faster Rendering

: Select whether to use a simplified rendering technique to achieve faster performance.*

Realtime shadow generation is available in

Creo Elements/Direct

Rendering and is automatically activated when you start

Creo Elements/Direct

Rendering. However, selecting

Simplified and Faster Rendering

disables the shadow generation.

Realtime rendering modes require a high-performance graphics board that supports DirectX version 10.1. Graphics boards that support older versions of DirectX do not support Realtime rendering modes or result in very slow redraw performance.

Miscellaneous Settings

Assign Materials to

: Use this option to assign the default used when clicking

Apply to Model

in the Rendering Browser’s materials’ context menus, or when dragging and dropping a render material directly onto a part (thus bypassing the

Assign Render Material

dialog box).



to apply the material as abase property.



to apply the material as an instance property.

Editor Level

: Select a level to adjust the number of editable parameters displayed in the editor dialogs.

Store Decals with Model

: Stores decal information, if any, with the model.

Progressive Update Mode

: Progressively creates photo-realistic rendering. In progressive update:


An image is created with a coarse raster.


Anti-aliasing is applied to this image and the image is progressively refined.*

If rendering takes too much time, you can cancel the Rendering command. In

Progressive Update Mode

, the rendered image is displayed in the viewport even after the initial rendering pass is complete.

Support Parallel Processing

: Uses multiple processors, if available.

Cache Rendering Data

: Caches the rendering information between consecutive renderings. Caching data reduces the time required to render images that fit into system memory. Turn caching off if the model is large enough such that the cache causes a memory shortage.

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