Revox A77 Dolby Tape Decks user reviews : 4.7 out of 5 – 9 reviews –
[Apr 01, 2000]
radu ciubuc
swiss precision mechanics, real to life sound reproduction
time consuming maintenance
Well, here we go again, the analog versus digital war, the new versus old, the “mine is better than yours,etc’. I have no doubts that the guys who like music have also ears and all the reviews inthe world will not substitute your own hearing.I bought recently a Revox B77MKII to record life chamber music and radio classical music from NPR during evening late hours.To my surprise the sound that this machine rewarded me was absolutely stunning! Not only that the sound was as real to life at it gets, but nothing even get close to it after bringing some musician friends to make sure that my ears are not fouling me. Nope, all agreed with me, and after a lot of comparasons and extensive recordings (DAt,CD-Recorders,etc via Martin Logan speakers, Conrad Johnson And Audio Research amplifiers/preamplifiers, Madrigal Digital and VPI analog) the conclusion was unanimous:the analog is closer to the real thing my a LARGE MARGIN.The Revox is a stunning machine, altough old(1988),and I am sorry that at this time the music slides slowly toward the more artificial less realistic medium.I hope that digital will change, but after twenty years I do not see a break through.Five star for the MUSIC.
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