SEforSDL – Code Quality
Can explain the need for following a standard
One essential way to improve code quality is to follow a consistent style. That is why software engineers follow a strict coding standard (aka style guide).
The aim of a coding standard is to make the entire code base look like it was written by one person. A coding standard is usually specific to a programming language and specifies guidelines such as the locations of opening and closing braces, indentation styles and naming styles (e.g. whether to use Hungarian style, Pascal casing, Camel casing, etc.). It is important that the whole team/company uses the same coding standard and that the standard is generally not inconsistent with typical industry practices. If a company’s coding standard is very different from what is typically used in the industry, new recruits will take longer to get used to the company’s coding style.
IDEs can help to enforce some parts of a coding standard e.g. indentation rules.