Screen Resolution Testing : Test website resolutions | BrowserStack

Screen resolution testing of a website requires monitoring website appearance on multiple real devices (mobile and desktop). However, it is not feasible for all individual QAs or teams to set up an extensive device lab just to perform testing on different screen resolutions. 

 An easy way to address this challenge is to use a cloud-based testing tool like BrowserStack’s Responsive Checker. Simply enter the URL of their website under test into the address bar and click on Check. The tool will instantly load the website across multiple real and latest devices(iPhone X, Galaxy Note 10, iPad pro, Windows, Mac OSX) with varied screen resolutions – 375×812, 412×869, 1280×1024, and more. 

 For comprehensive screen resolution testing, use BrowserStack Live. Its real device cloud provides teams with 3000+ real devices & browsers. Simply sign up for a free trial or opt for a suitable plan and start with screen resolution testing on desired device-browser combinations. No complex setup involved. Testers can also interact with web elements and perform scroll and pinch or zoom operations to mimic end-user activity in the real world.