Service quality dimensions: a case study of hdfc bank | International Journal of Current Research

Today’s finicky banking customers will settle for nothing less. The customer has come to realize somewhat belatedly that he is the king. The customer’s choice of one entity over another as his principal bank is determined by considerations of service quality rather than any other factor. He wants competitive loan rates but at the same time also wants his loan or credit card application processed in double quick time. He insists that he be promptly informed of changes in deposit rates and service charges and he bristles with customary rage if his bank is slow to redress any grievance he may have. He cherishes the convenience of impersonal net banking but during his occasional visits to the branch he also wants the comfort of personalized human interactions and facilities that make his banking experience pleasurable. In short he wants financial house that will do more than just clearing his cheque and updates his passbook: he wants a bank that cares and provides great services. So does HDFC bank meet these heightened expectations? What are the customer perceptions of service quality of the banks? Which dimension of service quality of HDFC bank is performing well? This research paper tries to find out answers to these questions. A lot of surveys have been done in the past to understand the aspect of customer satisfaction and to find out the customer friendly banks but the main purpose of this paper is to find out the service quality of HDFC Bank.