Shell Stuff! | Liquid Calcium Supplement for Poultry Birds | Aviform


New Formula Calciform HiD3 lasts 8 x as long of the old product.

Dosage drops from 20ml to just 2.5ml per litre of drinking water during breeding or suspected calcium deficiency, and from 20ml to just 2.5ml per 2 litres of drinking water as maintenance.

Pack Sizes

The pack sizes have been reduced as New Formula Calciform HiD3 is 8 times lower.

100ml replaces the old 250ml as the smallest size, 250ml replaces the old 1,000ml and 1,000ml replaces the old 2,500ml.

Cost per Day

The cost per day for New Caciform HiD3 is reduced by 80% (1000ml size).

Using the 1,000ml as an example, maintenance cost per day drops from 30p per litre for the old product to 6p per litre of drinking water treated.

Nutrient Levels

As with the old product, New Calciform HiD3 contains Calcium and Vitamin D3.  However, the new formula has a much higher ratio of Vitamin D3 to Calcium (hence the new name) and the Calcium is from a different source offering greater absorption.

How it Works

The elevated levels of Vitamin D3 augments dietary Calcium absorption and metabolism.

Vitamin D3 also supports the absorption of dietary Phosphorus.

The source of Calcium used in New Formula Calciform HiD3 increases blood Calcium and the amount of Calcium deposit in bones and shell.   

This source of Calcium is a pre-cursor to the Amino Acid Arginine, which is involved with the Calcium binding proteins resulting in a greater capacity to transport calcium to where it is needed.

Is the Higher Concentration Still Safe?

Yes, CALCIFORM HiD3 is just as safe as the old product.


Once added to water the supplement will stay active for approximatly 48 hours if using tap water. This will be longer if using filtered water.