Skills Needed for Quality Interpretation Services, Akorbi

In-person or remote interpretation services are vital to many industries, including healthcare, finance, education, and government. Akorbi uses qualified, certified interpreters, and we work in more than 170 languages! Today’s blog discusses six vital skills an interpreter needs to deliver quality interpretation services.

Related Post: Translation and Interpretation – Maintain Your Skills 

1. Listening

Interpreters must have excellent listening skills. They need to be able to listen to both languages they’re interpreting, even as the interpreter speaks during simultaneous interpreting sessions. Often, interpreters will use headphones to focus solely on the languages being presented. Headphones also help tune out other noises.

2. Speaking

Interpretation services also rely on clear diction, voice projection, and discourse structuring. Not only must interpreters speak properly, but they must also speak quickly so they can keep up. It’s doubly difficult because interpreters need to hear one language but speak another.

3. Proficiency

Working knowledge of a language isn’t enough. Interpreters need proficiency skills in both languages they’re interpreting. Proficiency comes with constant practice, immersion, and continuous improvement. Akorbi’s interpretation services are no different. We hire passionate people who know their languages very, very well. 

4. Memory

Short-term memory is crucial to interpretation services. An interpreter needs to remember what words are spoken right now, plus what was spoken several seconds ago. Hearing words and then speaking them in a different language creates a lot to keep track of, and it takes a special person to become a world-class interpreter.

5. Note-Taking

Before an interpretation session, qualified staffers should take notes. Any and all information they can gather will help the interpreter deliver quality information to all parties during the session. They need to know the people’s names, the languages they speak, the industries in which they work, and the issues being talked about. Gathering information helps interpreters prepare ahead of time.

6. Interpersonal Skills

Interpreters can offer a calming presence during tense situations. Interpretation services should have a human element, and language is more than just verbal communication. Interpreters need to pay attention to body language, nonverbal cues, and cultural differences when it comes to alleviating language barriers.

Related Post: How You Can Become a Better Interpreter

Quality Interpretation Services by Akorbi

Akorbi offers professional, certified interpretation services in more than 170 languages. Let us help you expand your global reach and target audience with our language services! Contact Akorbi or call 1-877-4-AKORBI for more information on what we can do for your company or organization.