Software Testing Methodologies: A QA Manager’s Guide

Within the competitive software industry, there can be no space for mistakes. Software testing methodologies are pivotal for the software development life cycle, guiding how you should conduct the tests.

Let me give you an example of the popular messaging app Slack. In 2021, it received a massive flake from customers for the Slack Connect DM feature.

The feature allowed anyone to send a DM without their permission or knowledge. Also, there was no way to turn off this feature. Slack had to remove that feature and seek a public apology for users’ inconvenience.

If only Slack had conducted acceptance and beta testing before releasing the new feature, the condition wouldn’t be this worse! The incident proves that while the software development process requires meticulous planning, testing methodologies are equally crucial for delivering a quality product. So, what are these software testing methodologies, and what difference does it make to your applications?

Let’s find out!