Son of George Soros scored multiple visits to Biden White House, records show

A son of left-wing billionaire and philanthropist George Soros has scored several recent visits to President Joe Biden’s White House as he showers Democrats with campaign donations and promotes his meetings with top lawmakers, records show.

Alexander Soros, chairman of the Open Society Foundations grantmaking network that his father founded in 1993 to influence left-leaning politics and culture matters, has increasingly posted images on social media of himself with Democratic lawmakers whose campaigns he has bankrolled. The 37-year-old, who the Washington Examiner reported has met with top Biden administration officials since at least 2021, spent more time at the White House in December 2022, according to federal visitor logs released Thursday.


“Alexander Soros is poised to lead his family’s multibillion-dollar political and philanthropic network,” Scott Walter, president of Capital Research Center, a conservative investigative think tank, told the Washington Examiner. “Like his father, he cozies up to White House and congressional leaders willing to do the family’s bidding on such issues as crime, immigration, election policy, and more, as the Soroses exploit every type of giving: money to parties, independent expenditure groups, and so-called ‘charities.'”

Walter added: “No wonder former staffers and grantees of their foundations, donor groups, and lobbying shops are found throughout the Biden administration, from the State Department to the Domestic Policy Council.”

Open Society Foundations, which is funded by George Soros, has long been considered one of the most influential Democratic-linked nonprofit group networks in the United States. That network includes the Foundation to Promote Open Society, a private foundation, and the Open Society Policy Center, an advocacy group that quietly steered $140 million to left-wing ballot initiatives and like-minded advocacy groups in 2021, according to tax forms.

Between October 2021 and December 2022, Alexander Soros was listed in White House visitor logs a total of 15 times. Officials he is listed as having visited include former White House chief of staff Ron Klain’s former adviser Madeline Strasser, Klain adviser Nina Srivastava, National Security Council staff assistant Hazel Castillo, counselor Steve Ricchetti’s adviser Mariana Adame, ex-national security adviser Kimberly Lang, and deputy national security adviser Jonathan Finer.

The latest visitor logs show that the younger Soros visited on Dec. 1, 2022, with Srivastava, who also worked on the Biden-Harris campaign, and attended a state dinner that day honoring French President Emmanuel Macron — which a guest list previously showed. One day later, Soros was a visitor of Adame and Finer, according to federal logs.

It’s unclear what was discussed at those meetings, and the White House did not return a request for comment. Craig Holman, a lobbyist for the left-wing think tank Public Citizen, told the Washington Examiner that the president and White House staff “should be accessible and willing to listen to perspectives of issue advocates and labor and business leaders, as well as foreign interests.”

President Donald Trump came under fire in 2017 after his administration announced it would not publicize visitor logs until five years after he left office because of “grave national security risks and privacy concerns.”

“The White House is not intended to operate in isolation, nor should it,” Holman said. “Alex Soros is just one of many who visit the White House to express his concerns. The purpose of the visitor logs is to make it all transparent and above board. I used to show up in the visitor logs.”

092016 cohen soros migrant investment pic

George Soros, chairman of Soros Fund Management, is investing $500 million in businesses, companies, and other initiatives founded by both migrants and refugees.

(AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, file)

Alexander Soros has pumped about $5.7 million into left-leaning political action committees and Democratic campaign coffers since 2018, according to Federal Election Commission filings. His largest contribution to date is $2 million in 2018 to Senate Majority PAC, which is tied to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

Since 2018, the younger Soros has met Schumer at least nine times and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) at least eight times, according to his Instagram account. He’s contributed more than $130,000 combined to Pelosi’s campaign and a super PAC victory fund associated with Pelosi that aims to elect Democrats, FEC records show.

“The best dressed award at the #WhiteHouseStateDinner goes to @speakerpelosi, the greatest Speaker of the House in American History!” Alexander Soros posted on Instagram on Dec. 3 with a picture of him and Pelosi.

The latest Alexander Soros-related visitor logs release comes as his father remains under the spotlight for donating $1 million in May 2021 to Color of Change, a left-wing political action committee that supported Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney who indicted Trump on Thursday.

On Friday, Soros denied that he contributed to Bragg’s campaign, alleging that Republicans “would rather focus on far-fetched conspiracy theories than on the serious charges against the former president.” However, Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC), a Trump ally and member of the conservative Freedom Caucus, told the Washington Examiner that the billionaire’s comments are “misleading.”


“Who can trust what he says?” Norman said.

The Washington Examiner reached out to the Open Society Foundations for comment.