Special buildings – CK3 Wiki


Holding effects

County effects

Realm effects


Required innovation


Aurelian Walls
Structure aurelian walls.png

  • +3

    Fort Level

  • +50%

    Garrison Size

  • +500


  • +10%

    Monthly Development

  • +0.2

    Monthly Development

  • +50%

    Hostile Raid Time

  • +15%

    Duchy Levy Size

  • +15%

    Duchy Holding Taxes


Always constructed

The Aurelian Walls were built during the reign of the Roman Emperors Aurelian and Probus. To this day they provide formidable defense, completely enclosing the seven hills of Rome.

Doge’s Palace
Structure doges palace.png

  • +3

    Fort Level

  • +10

    Defender Advantage

  • +100%

    Levy Size

  • +100%

    Garrison Size

  • +50%

    Holding Taxes

  • +30%

    Monthly Development

  • +0.3

    Monthly Development

  • +50%

    Hostile Raid Time


Always constructed

  • Republican Government

The Doge’s Palace acts as the residence for the government of the Republic of Venice. An impressive structure, it houses multiple chambers dedicated to things such as the Council, Senate, administration, and justice.

Hadrian’s Wall
Structure hadrians wall.png


Building Construction Gold Cost


Always constructed

Hadrian’s Wall was built during Roman times to keep the northern Picts out of the province of Britannia. Nowadays it serves no defensive purpose, but the stones make for a cheap and convenient source of building material!

House of Wisdom
Structure grand library of baghdad.png

  • +20%

    Holding Taxes

  • +20%

    Monthly Development

  • +0.2

    Monthly Development

  • +2

    Learning per Level of Fame

  • +10

    Different Culture Opinion

  • +15%

    Cultural Fascination Progress

  • Focus invalid.png


    Monthly Lifestyle Experience

  • −20%

    Faith Creation and Reformation Cost


Always constructed

The House of Wisdom contains a vast collection of books, and the scribes therein work tirelessly both day and night to translate even more great works of literature. The sources vary from Greek, Persian, Indian and many more — truly, it contains the entire world’s knowledge! A shining beacon of human knowledge! And comfortably far from the illiterate horsemen of the steppe…

Iron Pillar of Delhi
Structure iron pillar of delhi.png

  • +10%

    Monthly Development

  • +0.1

    Monthly Development

  • +5%

    Monthly Prestige

  • −5%

    Army Maintenance

  • +10%

    Heavy Cavalry Toughness

  • +10%

    Heavy Infantry Toughness


Always constructed

The mighty Iron Pillar of Delhi stands as a symbol to the glory of King Chandragupta II, though subsequent rulers have also etched their names into it. Despite having stood for a long time, there’s no trace of rust – a testament to the skill of Indian ironsmiths!

Offa’s Dyke
Building palisades.png


Defender Advantage


Always constructed

Offa’s Dyke, which is a long ditch flanked by a wall of earth, was constructed by the Anglo-Saxon king of Mercia to defend the border towards Wales. This raised earthwork offers an advantage to whoever stands on the side of the wall, as any attackers have to fight an uphill battle from the ditch.

Palace of Aachen
Structure palace of achen.png


Monthly Development

  • +5%

    Monthly Renown

  • −20%

    Tyranny Gain

  • +5

    Clergy Opinion

  • +5

    Powerful Vassal Opinion

  • +0.1

    Monthly Prestige per Powerful Vassal on the Council


Always constructed

The Palace of Aachen was chosen by Charlemagne to be the center of power of the Carolingian Empire. It served a both political and religious purpose, and is still an excellent place for hosting important gatherings.

Structure petra.png


Monthly Tax

  • +10%

    Holding Taxes

  • +15%

    Monthly Development

  • +0.1

    Monthly Development

  • +25%

    Supply Limit


Always constructed

The city of Petra is a true wonder of the ancient world. Carved directly out of naturally occuring rose-tinted rock, the city stands as a curiosity that intrigues even the mightiest sultan.

The Colosseum
Structure colosseum.png


Building Construction Time


Army Maintenance


Always constructed

The Colosseum is one of the largest amphitheaters ever built and has hosted countless spectacles such as gladiatorial combat, animal hunts and even reconstructed sea battles. Its construction was started by the Roman emperor Vespasian in AD 72 and was completed in AD 80 under his successor, Titus.

Despite its vibrant history, its primary use today is for harvesting marble and bronze for use elsewhere.

The Pyramids
Structure the pyramids.png


Monthly Development

  • +5%

    Monthly Renown

  • −20%

    Short Reign Opinion


Always constructed

The pyramids, most prominently the one of Cheops, stand as wonders of the ancient world. Vast and impressive, they enhance the image of any ruler who controls them.

Theodosian Walls
Structure theodosian walls.png

  • +5

    Fort Level

  • +100%

    Garrison Size

  • +1000


  • +300%

    Holding Taxes

  • +20%

    Monthly Development

  • +0.3

    Monthly Development

  • +50%

    Hostile Raid Time

  • +300%

    Levy Size

  • +15%

    Duchy Levy Size

  • +15%

    Duchy Holding Taxes


Always constructed

The Theodosian Walls were built during the reign of Emperor Theodosius II in the early 5th century, but they still remain some of the most formidable fortifications built by human hands.

Walls of Genoa
Structure walls of genoa.png

  • +2

    Fort Level

  • +25%

    Garrison Size

  • +10%

    Holding Taxes

  • +10%

    Monthly Development

  • +0.2

    Monthly Development

  • +50%

    Hostile Raid Time

  • +5

    Defender Advantage


Always constructed

The Walls of Genoa were built in the 9th century after the city was granted significant autonomy. The walls, together with the protection of the coastline, allow the area to develop and prosper.

Iron Pillar of Dhar
Structure iron pillar of dhar.png

  • +0.1

    Monthly Development

  • +15%

    Levy Size

  • +5%

    Monthly Renown

  • +5



  • None
  • Always constructed in 1066

The Iron Pillar of Dhar is constructed from the molten-down arms of an entire army. The craftsmanship is truly astounding, bringing glory upon the dynasty which holds it.

Structure stonehenge.png

  • +2


  • Learning lifestyle.png


    Monthly Learning Lifestyle Experience

  • -20%

    Faith Conversion Cost


Always constructed

Stonehenge is an ancient, mystical structure that has inspired many a scholar. Even today, in these enlightened times, learned men from all around Britain flock to study it. What truly is its purpose?

The Tower of London
Structure tower of london.png

  • +6

    Fort Level

  • +6

    Defender Advantage

  • +750


  • +5%

    Holding Taxes

  • +10%

    Monthly Development

  • +0.1

    Monthly Development


Dread Gain



The Tower of London is a castle that serves as both a vital fortification and a prison. The central tower is called the ‘White Tower’ and houses the ruling class. The position of the Tower of London means that it’s vital to the defense of the entire County.

Visby Ringmur
Structure visby ringmur.png

  • +1

    Fort Level

  • +25%

    Garrison Size

  • +15%

    Holding Taxes

  • +15%

    Monthly Development

  • +0.2

    Monthly Development

  • +50%

    Hostile Raid Time

  • +5

    Defender Advantage

  • +5

    Popular Opinion



The Visby City Wall protects the city from external threats such as raiders or Danes. It also efficiently keeps out tax collectors sent by the Thing of Gotland! To get to the riches within, assailants must first deal with a plethora of towers all manned by archers.

Walls of Benin
Structure walls of benin.png

  • +2

    Fort Level

  • +50%

    Garrison Size

  • +20%

    Holding Taxes

  • +75%

    Monthly Development

  • +0.2

    Monthly Development

  • +50%

    Hostile Raid Time

  • +5

    Defender Advantage

  • +50%

    Levy Size

Benin City


The Walls of Benin are a massive series of earthworks (Iya in the Edo language), that encircle the entirety of Benin. The walls are built of a ditch and dike structure, with an inner moat and an exterior rampart.

Golden Gate of Kyiv
Structure golden gate of kiev.png

  • +2

    Fort Level

  • +2

    Defender Advantage

  • +250


  • +10%

    Holding Taxes

  • +10%

    Monthly Development

  • +0.1

    Monthly Development

  • Icon piety pagan 01.png


    Monthly Piety

  • +10%

    Monthly Prestige



Modeled and named after a gate in Constantinople, the Golden Gate of Kyiv serves as both an entrance to the city and a triumphal arch. The golden dome of the church, built on top of the gate, can be seen from afar and makes it a prominent symbol of Kyiv.

Heddal Stave Church
Structure cathedral pagan.png


Monthly Tax

  • +10%

    Levy Size

  • +10%

    Holding Taxes

  • +10

    Popular Opinion

  • +10%

    Monthly Piety

  • +5%

    Monthly Renown

  • +1

    Number of Knights

  • +20%

    Knight Effectiveness


City Planning

Heddal Stave Church is the largest stave church in Norway and has a beautiful wooden interior. Legend says the church was built by a mountain troll in merely three days.

Building palisades.png


Defender Advantage


  • (Slesvig)

Always constructed

The Danevirke is an extensive earthwork fortification build to prevent incursions from the continent into Danish territories and has been expanded multiple times since its original construction.

Roman Walls of Lugo
Structure lugo walls.png

  • +1

    Monthly Tax

  • +1

    Fort Level

  • +10%

    Garrison Size

  • +1


  • +5%

    Monthly Renown

  • +1


  • +5%

    Monthly Renown


Always constructed

Built by the Romans long ago, the great Walls of Lugo remain an impressive sight. Pilgrims pass their five gates on the road to Santiago de Compostela, making the journey even more profound.

Rock of Gibraltar
Structure gibraltar.png

  • +1

    Fort Level

  • +2

    Defender Advantage


Monthly Development

  • +1


  • +20%

    Diplomatic Range


Always constructed

The monolithic Rock of Gibraltar overlooks a narrow strait that is the gateway to the Mediterranean Sea. It was one of the Pillars of Hercules in antiquity, considered to mark the end of the known world. Looking at it now, you cannot help but wonder what lies beyond.

Structure aljaferia.png

  • +4

    Fort Level

  • +6

    Defender Advantage

  • +500

    Garrison Size

  • +5%

    Holding Taxes

  • +0.5

    Monthly Control

  • +1

    Diplomacy per Level of Fame

  • +5%

    Monthly Renown


  • (Saraquastah)


  • Always constructed in 1066

A great palace-fortress built on the Saría plain, the Aljafería is a testament to the power and wealth of Zaragoza. Imposing and splendid in equal measure; it is both an intimidating fortification and a pinnacle of Iberian architecture.

Farum Brigantium

Tower of Hercules
Structure hercules.png


Monthly Tax

  • -25%

    Embarkation Cost

  • +25%

    Naval Speed

A Corunnã

Always constructed

This ancient lighthouse is said to have been based on its more famous sister in Alexandria. Having guided seafarers for untold centuries, it remains important to Galicia’s coastal trade. Some claim that you can glimpse Ireland’s green coast from the top of this lonely tower, but gazing out, you see only endless sea.

City Walls of Toledo
Structure toledo.png

  • +2

    Fort Level

  • +25%

    Garrison Size

  • +30%

    Hostile Raid Time

  • +10%

    Holding Taxes

  • +5

    Defender Advantage

  • +10%

    Monthly Development

  • +0.2

    Monthly Development


  • (Madīnat al-Mulūk)

Always constructed

Originally built by the Romans in days of old, these massive walls were significantly expanded under the reign of Wabma, king of the Visigoths. The early Arabic rulers widened them even further, creating a defensive system fit for the City of Kings.

Alcázar of Segovia
Structure alcazar segovia.png

  • +4

    Fort Level

  • +6

    Defender Advantage

  • +500

    Garrison Size

  • +5%

    Holding Taxes

  • +0.5

    Monthly Control

  • +1

    Martial per Level of Fame

  • +5%

    Monthly Renown



Rising like the bow of a ship from a rocky crag, this fortress is an awe-inspiring sight. As majestic as it is impenetrable, it is the greatest of all castles in the kingdom of castles — Castille.