Spinellis: Code Quality: The Open Source Perspective

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Code Quality: The Open Source Perspective

Diomidis Spinellis. Code Quality: The Open Source Perspective.
Addison Wesley, 2006.
ISBN 0-321-16607-8.

Software Development 17th Annual Productivity Award

Today’s advice

  • Improving a program’s locality of reference can result into speed increases, as data elements are more likely to be found in a cache (Chapter 5: Space Performance, p. 234).

The only book that examines software quality through
real-life source code examples.

From this book you will learn how to judge the quality of software code.
Having mastered this art,
you’ll then be able to apply your new-found sense to the code you
write on your own and to the code written by others,
aiming to assess its quality aspects and improve what you find
You can also use your acquired knowledge of code quality
when you discuss implementation alternatives with your
colleagues, hopefully nudging your project toward the
most appropriate direction.

  • Page 26: How can I avoid off-by-one errors?
  • Page 143: Are Trojan Horse attacks for real?
  • Page 158 Where should I look when my application can’t handle its workload?
  • Page 256 How can I detect memory leaks?
  • Page 309: How do I target my application to international markets?
  • Page 394: How should I name my code’s identifiers?
  • Page 441: How can I find and improve the code coverage of my tests?

Following on the steps of the universally acclaimed
Code Reading
book, Code Quality uses hundreds of examples from open source
software projects, like the Apache web and application servers,
the BSD Unix systems, and the HSQLDB Java database,
to illustrate the code quality concepts that every professional
software developer should appreciate and apply.

Diomidis Spinellis, author of the award-winning book
Code Reading,
has been learning and developing the concepts presented in this
book since 1985, while writing ground-breaking software applications
and working on multi-million line code bases.
Spinellis holds an M.Eng. degree in software engineering and
and a Ph.D. in computer science from Imperial College London.
Currently he is an associate professor
in the Department of Management Science and Technology
at the Athens University of Economics and Business.

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Chinese translation
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Greek translation
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Japanese translation
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ISBN 0768685125
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ISBN 0-7686-8485-4

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Last modified: $Date: 2013/11/19 23:14:00 $