Spy camera – Hidden camera’s – Mini Camera

Before you buy a spy camera, read this first!
It is not allowed by law to place spy cameras in a home or business without disclosing this by means of stickers, signs and a separate clause that staff must sign so that staff are aware that camera surveillance is in use. For example, if you use a spy camera to see if your child is not being treated well, that is possible, but if you want to use the same spy camera to keep an eye on your partner, you can either get a prison sentence or a fine . So if you are going to use a spy camera, make sure that family members are informed and that signs/stickers are present everywhere in a company.

Have you found yourself in a situation where you need evidence? Then our espionage products can offer a solution. With hidden cameras, listening devices and GPS trackers you see and hear things that would otherwise have gone unnoticed.

Hidden cameras
The most popular in this category are the hidden cameras: everyday products, such as glasses or a clock, in which a tiny camera is hidden. This allows you to easily and unnoticed make recordings, which are stored on an SD card. You can often also watch from your smartphone.

Mini cameras
In addition to hidden cameras, we also have very small cameras that can easily be concealed in something. With these small cameras you also save the recordings on an SD card.

Spy camera
What is a spy camera? A spy camera is a camera with a hidden lens in it, often a spy camera is hidden in a clock, pen, bottle, etc. If you use a spy camera, no one will notice that recordings are taking place. A spy camera is available in many variants, view this category to see which type of spy cameras we sell.

Eavesdropping equipment
In addition, we have various products in our range with which you can not film, but you can make sound recordings. Just like the hidden cameras, these listening devices are concealed in everyday products.

GPS tracker
Do you want to know where a specific person or vehicle is? Then you can use one of our GPS trackers. This is not only useful for espionage purposes, but also useful for parents who want to avoid losing their children in a crowded environment or to be able to track your car if it is stolen.

Can this just happen?
We receive many questions from our customers whether these products are legally permitted. The answer to that is yes, but there are clear rules attached to it. You may only make audio recordings of conversations in which you participate. The rules for video recordings are stricter. You may only use a hidden camera if it is clearly demonstrable that there is no other way to obtain evidence. However, the recordings should never be published, as this is a violation of privacy.

Personal advice
Do you still have questions after reading the above text or would you like personal advice when selecting a spy product? Please feel free to contact us.


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