Statistical Process Control | Bluestreak MES/QMS Software


Continuous improvement goes hand-in-hand with the utilization of SPC techniques. It’s critical that, when SPC provides early warning of emergent issues, that key personnel are alerted and can take appropriate action to resolve the issue and prevent the nascent problem from being a line-stopping problem. 

Statistical Process Control (SPC)

“The Bluestreak | SPC™ module is a critical component of our quality system because the instant feedback enables all personnel to actively participate in the development and improvement of our equipment processes and procedures. The run-rule function allows for easy interpretation and really simplifies the training process. The key is the instantaneous feedback to operators and inspection personnel.”

Tim Komar, Quality Manager and Bluestreak™ User

The Statistical Process Control feature in Bluestreak I SPC™ takes control plan characteristics to the next level. Any control plan characteristic can be configured for SPC. When test results are added, the SPC chart is updated in real-time allowing you to see and be notified at the time of test entry if there are any issues with your process. SPC has extensible support for statistical rules to help you spot trends before your process is out of control. Upper and Lower Control Limits are auto-calculated, but you determine when you want to tighten your control 

Results are associated with a specific load/operation at the time of entry.