Supplier Development & Supplier Quality Assurance | NTS

What Are Supplier Development Programs & Supplier Quality Assurance Services?

Supplier Improvement for World-Class Supply Chain Management

The more complex your supply chain, the more essential supplier development programs are to maintain quality control, minimize risks and improve productivity. NTS is a premier provider of supplier quality assurance for client partners in Aerospace and related industries. Our technical specialists employ a variety of proven development techniques that provide a structured, documented approach to supplier improvement activities.

Serving as an independent third party, NTS can measure performance in an accurate, nonbiased manner, identify gaps, and ensure appropriate steps are taken to move forward proactively and efficiently. NTS supplier auditing can:

  • Identify targets of possible improvements and make informed recommendations.
  • Utilize proven techniques (lean manufacturing/Six Sigma) to help suppliers develop and document improvement plans.
  • Monitor plan progress and secure its implementation.
  • Determine plan effectiveness in addressing improvement opportunity or eliminating the cause of a non-conformance.
  • Assure the proper documentation and reporting of any known issues.

Our auditing processes are tailored to the needs of your business, and they reflect the extensive experience of our project coordinators and technical specialists. After the initial audit is complete, we will turn the insights we gain into an actionable plan to improve product quality and streamline the production process.

Complete Supply Chain Gains via Supplier Quality Auditing

Quality products require reliable components. Reliable components must be built from thoroughly assessed parts and materials. And those parts and materials have to be checked and tested to meet regulatory requirements. Your investment in proactive quality management delivers benefits up and down the supply chain, such as:

  • Drives sales by enhancing the quality of product you bring to market, creating new opportunities for suppliers while improving the image and stability of your industry as a whole.
  • Promotes thought leadership at all levels, developing a culture of innovation in which everyone wins.
  • Creates more diverse procurement channels and fosters collaboration between suppliers.
  • Develops leaner overall processes which keeps costs down, improves efficiency, and creates more sustainable long-term partnerships.
  • Encourages job creation and economic growth.

Effective Supplier Quality Control: What’s Involved?

To realize top-to-bottom supply chain benefits, several factors must be in place during the supplier quality assurance process:

  • An environment of mutual trust and open communication between stakeholders.
  • Engagement of manufacturer and supplier management.
  • Experienced auditors who understand your industry and can bring an informed perspective to the quality assurance process.

This is why partnerships with third-party assessors are required. An independent supplier auditor like NTS can encourage the kind of collaboration necessary for the process to be successful. We will also bring a fresh perspective that can effectively expose process inefficiencies, quality control oversights, and other potential risks.

Choose Global Supplier Improvement Expertise

Why partner with NTS? First, OEMs and clients in Aviation, Aerospace, Defense, and other industries trust our global quality assurance support services. Second, our technical specialists—who have an average of 20 years’ experience in their respective industries—provide the kind of insights much of the competition just can’t match. And third, NTS has an extensive in-house team of subject matter experts, engineers, and project managers.

These unique strengths are bolstered by our “Command Center” approach to supplier assessment. This allows you to interact with a single point of contact, who is available to direct the auditing process and foster collaboration with your stakeholders. NTS also provides you with a suite of web-based tools for monitoring audit results in real-time. In short, we strive to achieve complete transparency, and to deliver results to you as soon as they’re available.

In choosing NTS, you’ll gain a partner who can identify the root causes of persistent supplier issues and suggest corrective actions. And should you need more comprehensive quality assurance, we offer initiatives such as our supplier funded programs, which empower your partners to take more internal responsibility for the QA process.

To learn more about our dedicated supplier development and improvement services, Request a Quote today.