Teamwork in Total Quality Management


Essentially, why is Teamwork IN Tqm important?

Teamwork, planning and decision-making based on data are elements essential in quality and productivity. Before implementing any method of quality improvement there are some basic principles that must be met in all organizations, these principles are:

  1. The
    company’s management must be highly integrated and active in the quality
    improvement method, since they are in charge of disseminating the company’s
    Quality Policy.
  2. Training is one of the foundations of the system. The company’s staff must be
    well trained in quality systems, especially those in charge of its management,
    execution and control.
  3. The
    management must create a good work environment, so that the entire organization
    is predisposed to support the quality improvement method that is going to be

How TEAMS in tqm Works?

The quality management principles commonly stated in the standards are customer focus, leadership, staff participation, process-based approach, system approach to management, continuous improvement, fact-based approach to decision making, and supplier relationships. For all of them the teamwork is a constant for the interpretation and dissemination of knowledge for the benefit of the client and the company.

quality management system, among which we can mainly point out ISO, EFQM, NGO,
or others, has these 4 pillars:

  1. Customer Orientation.
  2. The
    participation of People.
  3. Leadership.
  4. Process Management:
  • Team work.
  • Management with data.
  • Continuous improvement.

Being mainly the total quality management system focused on safeguarding the client, the other elements that comprise it are determining factors to achieve a joint benefit the client – organization or company. Teamwork is a determining factor for this to happen.

is one of the basic principles of total quality management, the reason that
motivates this thought is that teamwork will lead to better decisions, higher
quality and higher morale.

cooperative activities are mutually beneficial and are called win-win

Due to
methodologies such as Six Sigma, one of the main components is teamwork. Six Sigma
teams are formal groups, made up of workers from different areas and who,
through the use of statistical tools and applications, seek to improve the
organization’s products, processes and services.

The special characteristics of work equipment require a series of conditions to achieve be successful:

  • Favorable conditions. The leaders of an organization must know and believe in working in team, so that they are the ones who promote some improvement and innovation tasks
  • They are developed by teams, and that the latter have the guidance, conditions and support required. 
  • Team formation. The first step in forming a team is the appointment of the person who will be in charge of the project or task (leader or coordinator).
  • Establish and clarify objectives. Everyone must be very clear about the team’s objectives and, in addition, these must be shared, in such a way that within the team there is a conviction that these objectives are important enough, as well as achievable in a reasonable time (typically three to six months).
  • Good work procedures (knowledge and skills). The team must have the adequate advice and training to guide your work sessions and make decisions.
  • Participation, commitment and good interpersonal relationships. Find a good level of participation of all team members, a high commitment and a climate of respect and trust that favors the maintenance of good personal relationships and interest in the team.
  • Communication and conflict management. Conflicts can arise in all equipment due to different reasons, which represent obstacles for the tasks and sessions to develop normally and even cause complete failure.

The PDCA cycle (plan, do, check and act) is very useful to structure and execute quality and productivity improvement projects at any hierarchical level in an organization.

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