The INKEY List | Beta Hydroxy Acid Serum 30ml | Target Blackheads

AT WHICH POINT IN THE ROUTINE DO I USE BHA SERUM? This BHA Serum is part of the ‘Treat’ step and would be applied after
Hyaluronic Acid Serum if you are using it. You can use BHA Serum in your AM & PM skincare routine, however if used in the AM, ensure you use a broad spectrum SPF.

HOW OFTEN CAN I USE BHA SERUM? You can use BHA Serum daily in the PM, however if you have dry or sensitive skin we’d recommend to use 1-3 times per week, in the PM.

CAN I LAYER BHA SERUM WITH OTHER INGREDIENTS? We do not recommend layering BHA products with exfoliating acids (Alpha Hydroxy Acid, Glycolic Acid, Lactic Acid, Apple Cider Vinegar or Mandelic Acid), BHAs (C-50 Blemish Treatment), PHA Toner, Vitamin C and Retinols as this may lead to irritation. We suggest using these on alternative evenings and ensuring you start of slowly to ensure you don’t sensitise the skin. What products should I not layer together? >

IS BHA SERUM SUITABLE FOR SENSITIVE SKIN? Yes, after patch testing we’d suggest introducing this a few times a week and gradually increasing use.

I HAVE DRY, BLEMISH PRONE SKIN, CAN I STILL USE BHA SERUM? Beta Hydroxy Acid is formulated with 1% Hyaluronic Acid which makes it non drying and good to use even when your skin is dry. You can also use it only 2-3 times per week when needed.

I HAVE BLACKHEADS. CAN I USE BHA SERUM? Yes, BHA Serum is a chemical exfoliator which will help to unclog pores, fight blackheads and breakouts and reduce pore appearance. Learn more about how to get rid of blackheads >

IS THIS PRODUCT COMEDOGENIC? We don’t use any ingredients considered to be comedogenic.

WHAT’S THE % OF SALICYLIC ACID IN BHA SERUM? BHA Serum contains 2% Salicylic Acid which helps to unclog pores and gently exfoliate the skin.


AHAS VS BHAS, WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) are chemical exfoliators. Water-soluble, they work on the surface of the skin, encouraging cell turnover to reveal a brighter, more even complexion. Use in the PM and protect your skin with SPF during the day. E.G Apple Cider Vinegar. Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs) are also chemical exfoliators. They are oil soluble, which means they work deeper in your pores, helping to target blackheads and reduce the bacteria that can lead to breakouts. Use AM or PM and protect your skin with SPF during the day. E.G. Beta Hydroxy Acid

HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE TO SEE RESULTS? Products can take up to six weeks to show full results, due to the time it takes for your skin cells to turnover and the results of any products to reach the surface. Consistency is key, so apply regularly even if you’re not seeing the effects straight away. It can be very tempting to increase use of some products to try and see quicker results, don’t overdo it though. More is not necessarily more, and overuse can cause irritation and sensitivity.

IS BHA SERUM VEGAN? Yes! This BHA Serum contains no animal derivatives and is now certified by The Vegan Society.

IS BHA SERUM PREGNANCY SAFE? We do not recommend using Beta Hydroxy Acid Serum if pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your doctor before use. Our PHA Toner is a great alternative. Your guide to pregnancy safe skincare >

CAN I USE BHA SERUM WITH PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION? We would suggest you consult with your doctor to be sure.