The Melanie Klein Trust

The Melanie Klein Trust was founded on 1st February 1955 to promote training and research in the psychoanalytic theory and technique adopted and practised by Melanie Klein. The primary objects of the Melanie Klein Trust are:

– To further and promote training and research in psychoanalytic theory and technique as adopted, developed and practised by Melanie Klein and ‘developments thereof’.

– To publish, promote and encourage the publication of books, articles, pamphlets, and papers which are based upon or may further the contributions to psychoanalytic theory and technique made by Melanie Klein.

– To promote clinical work in psychoanalysis based upon the theory and and technique of Melanie Klein.

– Generally to secure the furtherance and development of theory and technique of psychoanalysis adopted, developed and practised by Melanie Klein.

– To do all this in any part of the world.