The Significance of External Quality Assessment Schemes for Molecular Testing in Clinical Laboratories

External quality assessment (EQA) schemes are a tool for clinical laboratories to evaluate and manage the quality of laboratory practice with the support of an independent party (i.e., an EQA provider). Depending on the context, there are different types of EQA schemes available, as well as various EQA providers, each with its own field of expertise. In this review, an overview of the general requirements for EQA schemes and EQA providers based on international guidelines is provided. The clinical and scientific value of these kinds of schemes for clinical laboratories, clinicians and patients are highlighted, in addition to the support EQA can provide to other types of laboratories, e.g., laboratories affiliated to biotech companies. Finally, recent developments and challenges in laboratory medicine and quality management, for example, the introduction of artificial intelligence in the laboratory and the shift to a more individual-approach instead of a laboratory-focused approach, are discussed. EQA schemes should represent current laboratory practice as much as possible, which poses the need for EQA providers to introduce latest laboratory innovations in their schemes and to apply up-to-date guidelines. By incorporating these state-of-the-art techniques, EQA aims to contribute to continuous learning.

Patients and clinicians often rely on the outcome of laboratory tests, but can we really trust these test results? Good quality management is key for laboratories to guarantee reliable test results. This review focusses on external quality assessment (EQA) schemes which are a tool for laboratories to examine and improve the quality of their testing routines. In this review, an overview of the role and importance of EQA schemes for clinical laboratories is given, and different types of EQA schemes and EQA providers available on the market are discussed, as well as recent developments in the EQA landscape.

In general, an EQA process consists of following steps: sample distribution, testing and reporting phase, assessment by experts (also called assessors) and appeal phase. Enrollment in EQA is one thing, but learning and improving based on the outcome, individual errors or those from other labs is another thing. It is not only laboratories can learn from an EQA scheme, but also the EQA providers themselves. EQA participation gives laboratories the opportunity to evaluate own performance over time as well as to compare own performance to that of peers. As such, laboratories can benchmark the performance of their daily testing method (laboratory-developed tests (LDTs) or commercial kits). In addition, EQA has proven its benefit for by creating the opportunity to set up collaborations with the EQA provider to investigate the use and performance of their kits. Previous EQA research has shown that EQA participation can reveal flaws in testing methods, for example essential differences between staining techniques [ 15 , 16 ]. In addition, EQA schemes, as well as ring studies, have had a supporting role in the development of best practice guidelines by highlighting pitfalls and common errors [ 17 , 18 ]. To further improve patient care, with a diversity of new testing methods, the role of EQA schemes and the lessons learned from these schemes will become very important.

External agencies, also known as EQA providers, organize and coordinate EQA schemes aiming at more transparency amongst laboratories in contrary to ring studies or ring trials, which are often organized internally between laboratories without interference of an independent external body [ 5 ]. The term proficiency testing (PT) is often used interchangeably with EQA, although there are small distinctions. For example, EQA puts more emphasis on continuous improvement and education compared to PT, which attaches more importance to meeting regulatory requirements [ 6 ]. There are also differences between EQA providers. Some are affiliated to universities and perform research, for example the Biomedical Quality Assurance research unit (BQA, affiliated to the University of Leuven (KU Leuven)) and Nordic immunohistochemical Quality Control (NordiQC, affiliated to Aalborg University) [ 7 , 8 ]. Other EQA providers are affiliated to national/regional authorizing bodies and have a dual role (coordinating EQA schemes as well as providing official recognition of laboratories), e.g., the College of American Pathologists (CAP) [ 9 ]. For others, organizing EQA schemes is their core business, for example, European Molecular Genetics Quality Network (EMQN) [ 10 ]. EQA/PT providers can be accredited according to International Organization for Standardization (ISO)/International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 17043 to confirm that they work according to international standards [ 6 , 11 , 12 ]. ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 15189 recommend that testing and diagnostic laboratories collaborate with ISO/IEC 17043-accredited EQA/PT providers [ 11 , 13 , 14 ].

A great variety of high-tech laboratory tests and therapies have become available to patients with cancer in recent years. The latter are often expensive, leading to high health care costs as well as potential burden on the patient. Therefore, it is important that these testing methods and advanced treatments are only applied in appropriate cases. Laboratory biomarkers play a key role in patient selection due to their screening, diagnostic, prognostic and/or therapeutic values. In order to guarantee that reliable and accurate test results can be provided by a laboratory at any time, a good quality management system along with quality control are essential [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]. This includes regular enrollments in external quality assessment (EQA) schemes. The latter are defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as “a system for objectively checking the laboratory’s performance using an external agency or facility” [ 4 ]. In this review, we will focus on molecular pathology testing. However, EQA schemes are available in many different fields and many of the same principles apply.

2. How to Organize Different Types of EQA Schemes?

2.1. Different Types of EQA Schemes Have Different Purposes and Aim to Improve Different Phases/Parts of the Process

EQAs can be organized in many different contexts. EQAs are widely applicable and should be widely applied to aim for the best possible health care. Many biomarkers can be tested for different diseases with multiple methods and each method has its own advantages and challenges. For example, Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK) alterations can be tested for using immunohistochemistry (IHC), fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), genetic testing on DNA or RNA level and ctDNA tests [19,20].

The purpose of the EQA scheme should be clear and be able to reach its goal in the way it is organized. For example, there are several EQA schemes set up recently to tackle an immediate problem to test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2. These EQA schemes have a clear goal: can test centers correctly identify the presence of the virus? Several types of tests were developed as quickly as possible and were important for the health of individual people as well as public health globally. Hasselmann et al. performed a first pilot scheme for SARS-CoV-2 testing which showed that IgG testing is more reliable than IgM testing, Ast et al. concluded from their quality assessment that certified tests produce more correct results than noncertified tests and Buchta et al. revealed that targeting specific genes of the virus result in more consistent results in their study [21,22,23]. Three different questions were tackled in these EQA schemes; hence, they are organized to address these points specifically. Without external quality control, these differences would not have been noticed as quickly. The purpose of finding the best tests to reliably test for the presence of the virus was fulfilled.

This example relates to a (currently) very common infection; however, rare diseases are tested for as well. In these cases, the purpose is not to urgently improve new tests; nevertheless, EQA is important to guarantee correct diagnoses to make sure proper treatment can be started as soon as possible (if available). The selection or “production” of samples for such EQA schemes are trickier with real cases not being available in big quantities. EQA schemes aim to provide the participant with samples that match real-life cases as closely as possible [24].

Since there are many different contexts and as there can be different goals for the same biomarker test, there are plenty of types EQA schemes aiming at pre-analytical, analytical and/or post-analytical phases of the testing process. Some focus on correct outcomes only, others want to improve technical performance of techniques, some want to focus on record keeping by focusing on elucidating reports to ensure clear and complete record keeping, and yet others focus on communication by aiming to remove ambiguity from result interpretation and conclusion.

Parts of the pre-clinical phase that can be tested (whether or not by questionnaire) are sample handling, sample storage, test ordering based on case history, sample preparation, error rates, sample rejection rates and causes, etc. [25]. For example, the influence of pre-analytical procedures and conditions on genomic DNA integrity in blood samples was studied by Malentacchi et al. and showed a significant difference in copy gene numbers as well as a high variability of gDNA integrity between laboratories [26,27].

The analytical phase is much better studied and involves sending samples to participants and assessing the results of laboratories. If the IHC stained slides are sent back to the EQA provider, the technical performance of staining can be assessed as well [16]. Many different methods can be investigated, even for the same biomarker as each method has their advantages and disadvantages [28]. For example, EQA schemes focusing on ALK can inquire about FISH methods only, IHC methods and the impact on interpretation, or a combination of all methods, including DNA/RNA testing [16,19,29,30].

2.2. EQA Providers Should Adhere to Several Guidelines to Guarantee High-Quality EQA Schemes

There are several guidelines, recommendations and an ISO norm dedicated to the proper set up of an EQA scheme. In this section, we will focus on (molecular) pathology EQA schemes and include recommendations from the field. The ISO/IEC 17043 standard is set up in a general sense as to be able to be applied each type of EQA scheme [11]. The requirements and recommendations are categorized in five main subjects and discussed by Dufraing et al. giving a consensus view from EQA providers with an international steering committee [12]. Further good practices are discussed by Tembuyser et al. for both diagnostic laboratories and EQA providers, as well the minimal requirements for clear and comprehensive clinical reports [31].

For example, when participants register for an EQA scheme, the purpose, number of samples and timeline should be clearly communicated by the EQA provider and a qualified team of medical and technical experts should be gathered [11,12,31]. Samples should be of good quality, relevant to the scheme (with reportable ranges that are relevant as well) and be selected by experts in the field which are deemed qualified by the EQA provider [11,12,31]. Note that it is not always possible to use real patient samples and artificial samples might not always reflect actuality, although this should be strived for. Next, participants have to submit the requested results and/or send their samples back. Exactly which input is requested should be clearly communicated to the participants [11]. The results are reviewed by assessors and according to procedures that were selected and drawn up before the start of the EQA scheme [11,12,31]. Finally, the participants will receive their results, which is the consensus that assessors agreed upon, and which the participants can appeal.

2.3. Risks That Might Influence the Quality of an EQA Scheme Should Be Addressed

EQA providers can face certain challenges during the organization of their schemes. Some of these challenges can influence the manner in which way the EQA scheme was planned and organized. For example, if there is little experience with EQA organization, it might be wise to perform internal audits to identify the shortcomings to be comply to the standard ISO/IEC 17043 and seek accreditation as soon as possible [11]. An EQA scheme should be organized in such a way that it mirrors routine laboratory practices as much as possible. As indicated above, samples should be properly selected, which can be achieved by working with a network of experts that are accredited. Tembuyser et al. have addressed several of these challenges [31].

Another challenge that lies beyond reach of EQA providers is the routine treatment of samples. The goal is to test the routine practice of laboratories, however, EQA samples are not always treated as such. It is a missed opportunity for participants if they do not treat their samples as they would any other sample as the routine testing is not revised in that case. The responsibility then lies with the participant and the EQA provider can do little more than emphasize that samples should be treated as routine samples as much as possible.

In general, an EQA provider with ISO/IEC 17043 accreditation is capable to assess possible risks and prepare to tackle challenges that might come up during the organization of an EQA scheme. ISO/IEC 17043 accreditation requires proper training of staff, clear procedures for selecting collaborators and selection of samples for each EQA scheme, sample preparation and storage procedures, assessment procedures regarding statistics, correct outcomes and methods, and procedures for data analysis [11]. Besides these steps of the process, there are also requirements to adhere to procedures regarding communication (e.g., clear instructions to participants, but also procedures for dealing with complaints) and confidentiality throughout the entire EQA process [11].

2.4. Types of EQA Providers and Schemes

EQA providers are responsible for the set-up, coordination and supervision of EQA schemes. There are many traits that characterize different providers. Some providers focus on one EQA scheme, while others organize many EQA schemes [32,33]. Many providers focus on national clinical laboratories, while other providers intend to reach a larger audience. Another trait and also an important one is the ISO/IEC 17043 accreditation status of the EQA provider.

2.4.1. EQA Providers with ISO/IEC 17043 Accreditation

ISO/IEC 17043 accreditation ensures the correct organization and execution of the EQA schemes under accreditation, and the competence of the EQA provider [11]. However, accreditation of an EQA provider for one EQA scheme does not mean all EQA schemes by that provider are accredited. For each EQA scheme, it is decided whether it falls (completely) within the scope for audits or not. The EQA provider is only audited based on EQA schemes that are in scope and only those EQA schemes can be accredited. Furthermore, ISO/IEC 17043 details general requirements that can be applied for all types of EQA schemes and serves as a basis for more specific technical requirements that are different in each field [11]. Some examples of guidelines that are based on ISO/IEC 17043 accreditation, but go into more detail on technical requirements are by Dequeker et al. and Langerak et al. for testing of CFTR and suspected lymphoproliferations respectively [34,35].

ISO/IEC 17043 accreditation is awarded by the national accreditation body of the country where the EQA provider is based [36]. National accreditation bodies are listed on International Accreditation Forum (IAF) website (, accessed on 7 June 2022). Organizations that have received ISO/IEC 17043 accreditation by their national accreditation body are listed on the website of that accreditation body. It is important to note that providers do not have to be accredited to organize EQA schemes.

2.4.2. Goals of EQA Providers

As mentioned before, EQA schemes can have different goals and the same applies for EQA providers. The goal of an EQA provider can be focused on organizing schemes to obtain the correct outcome of a test in national (reference) laboratories, while another goal of an EQA provider can be to aim at a larger intended population and to research which methods are used in the world and how these methods compare to one another. The feedback of each goal of an EQA scheme to the participating laboratory can therefore differ substantially.

For example, a Belgian governmental focused EQA provider, such as Sciensano ( ), might organize many EQA schemes with the goal of ensuring competence of clinical laboratories, adherence to policy requirements and improvement of quality of testing. Their intended population are Belgian clinical laboratories only and the feedback to laboratories includes whether the outcome of analysis was correct and possible areas of improvement [37].

Table 1

EQA ProviderNational
InternationalCountry of HeadquartersUseGoals of EQA Types Organized by this ProviderType of Sample UsedGenes TestedISO 17043 AccreditedMethods
AssessedReferencesESPInternational: worldwideBelgiumExpertise & Research

  • Genotyping

  • Technical assessment

  • Reporting

  • Interpretation

Patient samples (FFPE)

  • PD-L1 in four types of cancer


  • Multiple genes in NSCLC

UnclearIHC, FISH, DRT, DNA analysis (PCR and NGS)
EMQNInternational: worldwideUnited KingdomExpertise

  • Genotyping

  • Reporting

  • Interpretation

Many types of samplesMany genes in many types of pathologySome EQA schemesMany methods assessed

EQA Scheme Catalogue

CF NetworkInternational: worldwideBelgiumExpertise & research

  • Genotyping

  • Reporting

  • Interpretation

Patient sample (DNA)
YesDNA analysis (PCR and NGS)
EuroClonalityInternational: worldwideThe NetherlandsExpertise

  • Genotyping

  • Interpretation

Patient sample (DNA)IG and TR clonal expansionYesDNA analysis (PCR)
UK NEQASInternational: worldwideUnited KingdomExpertise

  • Genotyping

  • Technical assessment

  • Reporting

  • Interpretation

Many types of samplesMany genes in many types of pathologySome EQA schemesMany methods assessed
RCPAQAPInternational: worldwideAustraliaExpertise & research

  • Genotyping

  • Technical assessment

  • Reporting

  • Interpretation

Many types of samplesMany genes in many types of pathologySome EQA schemesMany methods assessed


SciensanoNational: BelgiumBelgiumPolicy

  • Genotyping

  • Reporting

  • Interpretation

Digital and artificial samples (DNA)Many genes in many types of pathologyYesMany methods assessed and FranceFrancePolicy & research

  • Genotyping

  • Technical assessment

  • Reporting

  • Interpretation

Patient and artificial samples (DNA, ctDNA)EGFR, KRAS, BRAF, NRAS, PIK3CA, MSI, ERBB2, KIT in different types of cancersYesDNA analysis (PCR and NGS) and ctDNA analysis
CAPNational: United States of AmericaUnited States of AmericaExpertise

  • Genotyping

  • Reporting

  • Interpretation

Many types of samplesMany genes in many types of pathologyYesMany methods assessed
CIQC (split in CPQA-AQCP and CBQA-PCAB)National: CanadaCanadaExpertise, policy & research

  • Genotyping

  • Technical assessment

  • Reporting

  • Interpretation

Origin unclear (DNA, FFPE)BRCA, EVER, P16, NTRK, PD-L1, HER2 and moreNoIHC, FISH, DNA analysis (PCR and NGS) and www.cbqa.caNCCLNational: ChinaChinaPolicy

  • Genotyping

  • Reporting

UnclearUnclearYesMany methods assessed
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Another EQA provider, CF Network, focuses on one specific gene, Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane conductance Regulator (CFTR) [32]. They intend to improve quality of testing and perform research on longitudinal performance of genetic testing laboratories, interpretation of test outcomes and reporting of results ( ). The intended population is extended to any clinical laboratory testing for CFTR mutations worldwide. To perform research, more information is requested from the participants and more feedback is given at the end of the EQA scheme, for example on the reporting of detected mutations with variable outcomes [38].

One of the most important aspects of an EQA scheme is analyzing the outcome of tests. In molecular pathology, testing is not limited to detection of mutations as certain pathologies are caused by fusions of genes or clonal expansion of blood cells; hence, EQA providers also organize schemes for this specific purpose [39,40,41].

The type of samples used depends on the methods that will be inspected in the EQA scheme, hence EQA providers have to select their samples carefully. Ideally, a sample for an EQA scheme represents real-life samples with similar minimal abundance, variant allele frequencies that are relevant and a condition similar to the state they usually arrive in at hospital laboratories

For example, samples are sometimes processed first to preserve the sample as much as possible and testing only occurs afterwards on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) material. Similarly, DNA of samples can be extracted from bodily fluids in which case a tube with DNA is used for testing. Both options can be selected by an EQA provider, yet the decision on sample type should be based in reason.

If EQA providers focus on the diagnostic test specifically, sending out DNA extracted beforehand warrants similar DNA quality for testing between laboratories. However, a provider might want to include evaluation of the extraction process in the EQA scheme and send FFPE material from which laboratories need to extract DNA themselves. During analysis of results, these conditions need to be considered to be able to compare results between participants. The main goal of the EQA provider in a specific scheme needs to be kept in mind in each step of the EQA set-up.

2.4.3. Research by EQA Providers Can Highlight Points of Concern

The outcome of different testing methods on the same sample should be the same; however, the sensitivity of two methods is not necessarily the same. This can be investigated by comparing participants testing the same sample with different methods.

Furthermore, intermediary results can be requested, as the methods for extraction can show a difference in extraction efficiency and yield less DNA, which, in turn, can suggest possible reasons for altered outcomes in samples with low variant allele frequencies.

Another point the EQA provider should take in mind in such cases is the level to which they will take into account certain criteria that might alter outcomes. If the methods used are known to the EQA provider and one of those methods is not sensitive enough to pick up a low variant allele frequency, this knowledge can be considered when analyzing results.

The extra information requested during research-oriented EQA schemes allows providers to inform participants in more detail on their results and their process of testing. Feedback can show that other laboratories with the same methods perform better or struggle with the same issues. The extra information can be valuable for EQA providers, but also ask for more detailed and exhaustive analysis of results. The EQA provider should be aware of the requirements for more complex analyses and ensure these requirements are met during the set-up of the EQA scheme.