The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts

Roman Emperor and Philosopher Marcus Aurelius once quoted that “The Happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.” 

Happiness is subjective. What that feels happy for us, may not be so pleasant for others. Many people struggle very hard to find happiness in their life. Most people abandon their health, good time with family, friends, and relationships to earn the corporate title and earn a huge amount of money in their bank accounts. They do buy nice and luxurious things and yet they are so confused as to why they are not happy.

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Happiness begins when you focus your attention on good things in your life. It is very important to be thankful for what you have. Then, you can enjoy what is going to come in the future. 

It is also very important to stay positive. Staying Positive doesn’t mean that you are always happy. In simple words, you are ready to smile even in your bad times. 

If you choose to think that “ My life is always hard.” It may remain so. Instead, If you think, “Those Hard times are challenges of my life and facing them can make me stronger,” That thought can definitely make your life better. 

Three major ways I believe that you can improve the quality of your life are:

1. Focus on the Good aspects of your life

2. Practice Gratitude

3. Every time you feel so negative, Read a good book. Listen to music or talk to people support you, believe in you no matter what.