Time for Indian products to be the best in quality in the world: Goyal

NEW DELHI : Union Minister for Commerce and Industry Piyush Goyal exhorted the industry to bring proposals for joint research projects, come up with new innovations and capture new markets.

Addressing the Export Awards function organised by the Synthetic & Rayon Textiles Export Promotion Council (SRTEPC) in Mumbai, the minister said, “I request the industry to benefit from National Technical Textiles Mission and to take the industry forward with faster growth.” He asked the industry to leverage Samarth (Scheme for Capacity Building in Textiles Sector) for upgrading the skill levels in the industry.”

He added that we have to study each Free Trade Agreement and understand requirements of other countries better. “Export Promotion Councils should open offices in other countries, such as in locations like Dubai. We have to think out-of-the-box.”

The minister told the industry that we need to give special attention to quality. “The time has come for our quality to be the best in the world. This is the demand of consumers in India and across the world as well. The time for coming out with two different types of quality – domestic quality and export quality – is over. 2,000 products will come under Quality Control soon. We need to stop using low-quality products. We need to increase our scale, focus on quality.”

Goyal asked the industry to guide the government on the products on which Quality Control Orders need to be issued. “If you participate actively in consultations, we will get the right quality of products. At the same time, this should not result in irrational increase of costs. We have to evolve quality standards. Let us know if the domestic industry is getting hurt due to some reason, we are with you.”

The minister congratulated the award-winners, stating that they are in fact serving the nation, and that the award is only a small recognition of their hard work.

Goyal said that the trust and importance the world gives to India shows that we are a bright spot in the world economy. “The future growth of the world economy is impossible without India. The opportunity we have today is a rare one. The stars are conspiring for us to succeed, it is for us to grab that opportunity. I have full faith in SRTEPC that you will not fail in this mission.”

He observed that it is perhaps for the first time that the Prime Minister himself met with Export Promotion Councils and discussed the way forward including export targets. “Following last year’s record exports, this year, based on figures available till now, we are confident of crossing 750 billion dollars of exports.” The minister said that it is a matter of pride for us that despite global headwinds, we would be reaching this target.

Goyal said that unlike games like cricket, the state of business and industry is now such that the paradigm is one of win-win. “The Trade Agreement between India and Australia is a unity agreement, the two economies are very complementary. While Australia imports most manufactured goods, we get many of our raw materials like critical minerals from Australia. There is an investment opportunity for processing lithium and other rare earths and minerals, since the market for them is growing.”

He observed that during Spanish flu, while there were more deaths due to hunger rather than due to being infected with the flu itself, despite the world’s worst health crisis of COVID-19, India assured that no one had to suffer from hunger, thanks to the government scheme for distributing free food grains under Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana. 

“People are today moving fast from poverty to middle class; our farmers’ incomes are improving, productivity is rising, they are getting good prices too. Rainfall too is good for many years.”

The minister recalled how the Jan Dhan – Aadhaar – Mobile JAM Trinity enabled the country to perform Direct Benefit Transfer during the pandemic. “Now, under One Nation One Ration Card, you can obtain your ration from any ration shop in the country. The entire system has been digitized, there is no need to worry about pilferage or theft.”